Do you envy people when it seems like they have a lot more than you? Well, guess what? No, I won’t make you guess. Actually, they might not have more than you. In fact, they might have much less, and … Read the rest
Tag Archives: grace and you
Whether you’re happy or not, have you spent any time, lately, making melody in your heart? And have you sung with grace in your heart? Not just to hear your voice. But because you love your Creator. You don’t have … Read the rest
There’s a reason food tastes better when it’s seasoned with salt. Because salt is tasty. And it’s the most versatile seasoning on the planet. And it doesn’t hurt that it’s essential to your health. Wow, is anybody else getting a … Read the rest
Ah, it’s a brand new day After all my fun talk about how awesome it is to have a balloon sinuplasty surgery, I figured it’s a good time to change the pace. Because it’s a brand new day. And with … Read the rest
Admonish one another Look up admonish in the dictionary, and you might come to the conclusion it’s something harsh. For example, here’s how one dictionary defines it: “warn or reprimand someone firmly…warn (someone) of something to be avoided: he admonished … Read the rest
I’m singing with grace in my heart because… …I’m supposed to. And because it’s part of my job description. I’m not talking about the way I make a daily living. While that’s vitally important it doesn’t compare to my job … Read the rest
You can be strong in grace. But not just any grace. The meaningful things in life don’t come easy. I hope that doesn’t burst any bubbles for you…because it’s the cold, hard truth. Even if it seems like someone else has … Read the rest
Most people will tell you it’s a good idea work hard for your money. And they’re right. Hard work is good for you. It helps you learn how to solve problems, build things, and serve others. And it’s the best … Read the rest
You Were Bought At A Price
When Paul wrote, in 1 Corinthians “all things are lawful for me“, he was talking about Grace…the Grace offered to everyone by Jesus. Jesus paid for the Grace that’s freely offered to you. But Grace and you were bought at … Read the rest