There I stood. In between the guitar player’s loud amp and the drummer’s crash cymbal. That’s where my equipment had been placed on a stage in front of business executives. Things had already fallen behind a bit. So, there was … Read the rest
Tag Archives: FunderCast
So, this catchy tune popped into my head this morning. And I thought, “Hmm, that might go real nice with some lyrics I wrote a few years ago.” Then, I sat down in my vocal booth and fired up the … Read the rest
This world is getting darker and meaner every day. And there are fewer kids doing wholesome kid stuff with each passing year. But I think you’ll find that the sights and scents of a flower garden can still attract kids … Read the rest
X marks the spot where I read what a homeschool mom said about the idea that homeschooled kids don’t get enough social interaction. She said: Homeschooled kids: leave their homes, talk to people, read books, play sports, go to dances, … Read the rest
There are lots of bad guys (and that includes the female part of “guys” too) out there everyday. You can’t swing a metal jump rope without hittin’ at least one. In fact, I could tell you a story, three stories … Read the rest
Maybe you think of “A Christmas Story” when I share the term, BB gun. Or maybe you remember wanting one yourself once upon a time. Hopefully you’re not a scaredy cat who’s triggered (pun definitely intended) by any use of … Read the rest
Do these sound like masculine traits? Decisiveness, assertiveness, and confidence? I think they certainly SHOULD sound like masculine traits. And I believe those traits can be instilled into boys in ways that help them develop leadership skills. Let me ask … Read the rest
Faith over fear. Make that your motto. Your creed. Or the sticky note you put on your computer. Whatever works. Here’s one reason, I found in an article, about why it’s a good idea: Because faith over fear Promotes Positive … Read the rest
Ipecac. No, I’m not talking about the story of the headless horseman. I’m talking about syrup. And this ain’t from Aunt Jemima or even Cousin T’s. Ipecac syrup is some kinda tough stuff. In fact, ipecac is what they use … Read the rest
Here’s the three-step process a hypocrite uses to become one. Point finger. Say stuff. Play the sound of their own voice back in their head. Now. Who’s ready to start with step one? Point finger. Hmm. I see no hands … Read the rest
Regardless of what happens today, this weekend, or ever, hold on to the Truth. And just in case you didn’t catch it (but I bet you did), I capitalized the word, Truth. And I just did it again. Because I’m … Read the rest
Imagine yourself walking up to two big doors one cold morning in January. The door on the left is pure craftsmanship. It’s a rich, cobalt blue with pure silver handles and hinges. There’s a leaded crystal, mirrored window just high … Read the rest