Let’s climb into my time travel ship and zoom way, way back to 1964. And let’s fly over the hilly countryside of Eastern Kansas. Look way down there. See those two little ants? Wait. Let’s fly down a little lower. … Read the rest
Tag Archives: fun games
I’ve talked about it before. But something popped up, online, this morning, that brought back a good and sad memory. And it’s about sticks. But not just any kind. I’m talkin’ about Pick Up Sticks. A game that used to … Read the rest
Think you’re having a bad day? Or week? Or month? Well, how would you like to set a record while the world is watching? But then you go out a few days later and lose, big time, while the world … Read the rest
Have you ever heard of tiddlywinks and pick up sticks? When I was a kid, I played both of those fun games. It was also fun to play marbles, jacks, and checkers. Those games don’t need: Batteries Controlling devices, or … Read the rest