I guess it’s not for everyone. In fact, amazingly enough, most people don’t want it and don’t even wanna talk about it. But the promise of living forever sounds mighty appealing to me. I can barely imagine not having that … Read the rest
Tag Archives: eternal life
“You’ve got a mighty bright eternal future here, son.” “Ah, thanks Father. I can’t tell you what that means to me.” No, those aren’t lines from an old black and white movie. Although they could be. And too bad they … Read the rest
“Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.” I love that quote, with the little twist. Because there’s more than just a little ring of truth to it. Yeah bright beginnings don’t always … Read the rest
News alert! Equality is a myth. You and I are not equal. And no one else is your equal either. Or mine. And we will never be equal. NEVER. And that’s not a bad thing. I’ve worked a lot of … Read the rest
There was an expression, that rolled around when I was younger, that expressed a superlative feeling for or toward someone else. If a guy was infatuated with a girl, he might say, “She’s the living end.” I’m sure that’s lost … Read the rest
A couple of days ago I watched a short TV interview. I found it through a link someone shared on a social media channel. And the interview was between a couple of guys who were talking about the murder rates … Read the rest
We try our best to capture life and make time stand still. And we never succeed. No one has ever succeeded. One of the few things the Rolling Stones got right: “Time waits for no one. And it won’t wait … Read the rest
Consider joining my dream I have many reasons for believing in the one, true, living, loving Creator of the universe. There’s an insurmountable mountain of evidence to prove He’s real. And ever since I came to know Him personally when … Read the rest
Why would anyone say something like ~ I Am Nothing Am I not important? Does my life mean nothing? Do I serve no useful purpose in this world? The answer to all three of those questions is “no”. But just … Read the rest
Do you wanna be happy? Or rich? Do you wanna live a long time? Or live in peace? Would you like to know how you can do and be all those things? OK, here’s the secret – be wise. Could … Read the rest
Do you believe God hears you when you pray? If you’d like to be sure He does, I have some good news for you. You CAN know. For example, there was a guy named John, who wrote this in the … Read the rest
Abounding Grace
You don’t know which day or hour will be your last. So every day is an opportunity for you to seek the wisdom that ensures eternal life. You’re a created being, and through God’s abounding Grace you’ve been given the … Read the rest