If you wanna get somebody to do whatever you tell them to, whenever you want them to, then fear is the key. Because somebody’s who’s afraid of you or what you might do to them is so much easier to … Read the rest
Tag Archives: climate change
Wow. August the first. And this month started out the same way July ended. HOT! Blazing, triple digits hot. A/C running almost continuously all day hot. And did I mention it was hot? I just looked at my weather app. … Read the rest
I’m sharing an account of what happened on D Day back in 1944. And when you get to the end of that part, be sure to check out a comparison story. The sunrise on June 6, 1944 (D Day) brought … Read the rest
Climate changes. It’s always done that. And it always will. Well, until that final climate climax when the whole Earth is consumed in a ball of fire. But not to worry. That probably won’t happen for at least another 1007 … Read the rest
Fires burn down beautiful places. Volcanoes erupt and destroy communities. Hurricanes blast entire cities. Tornadoes uproot even the heartiest of trees. Mudslides annihilate peaceful homes that were minding their own business. And through it all the Earth remains. Yeah, the … Read the rest
More chapters have been added to the climate change fairy tale. And you can expect more to come. Because the enemy of Truth is tireless in his attempts to pervert and subvert data. And they love to write the climate … Read the rest
Well, it’s all over but the whinin’. Yeah, for all intents and purposes, July is done. And is it just me, or does it seem like there were more than a couple of hot days this month? Yeah, probably just … Read the rest
I’ve talked about the Holland–Dozier–Holland songwriting and producing team before when I shared some info about The Supremes and their hit song, “I Hear A Symphony.” And they had another hit, 60 years ago this month, with the song, “Heat … Read the rest
Ninety degrees is too hot. You can disagree with me. But if you think it’s not that hot, then prove it by turning off the a/c in your house and your car. Yeah, I didn’t think so. Because regardless of … Read the rest
Media outlets share climate change facts that are totally unbiased. And they’re 100% accurate. Oops. I skimmed back and re-read what I just wrote. I’ll have to edit out those typos when I get a chance. Because they’re the opposite … Read the rest
I just read a headline that said, “Pacific Northwest cities shatter heat records again, life grinds to a halt” And if that could be true, then the Pacific Northwest would certainly be the place for life to grind to a … Read the rest
I’m sure you’ve noticed, if you’ve lived more than a couple of decades, how we continue to suffer through a climate crisis. Every year it’s the same thing. You can’t depend on seasons because they consistently (oops, should I say … Read the rest