For three years I led the praise and worship music in a church in the Denver, Colorado metro area. And the services were held, every Sunday, in the gym of a Christian school. Elgielene and I got to know the … Read the rest
Tag Archives: Christian principles
OK, what possible good could come outside some place known as the Blind Beggar Pub? I mean, c’mon, it’s a pub! And the location is East London. So, this just keeps getting worse. Yeah, what good could possibly start there? … Read the rest
“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” You’ve heard that more than once I bet. And it sure applies to Christian doctrinal differences. Because I see it more and more, with each passing year, how Christians put words … Read the rest
I remember a young lady telling me about The Joshua Tree when I was in Albuquerque, New Mexico back in 1987. I was booked there for two weeks, and she and couple of other friends asked me if I’d heard … Read the rest
I remember, even way back in the 20th century when I was a kid, how pastors could get fire-and-brimstone fired up. And how they’d want some feedback. So, a lot of them would say something with particular emphasis and ask, … Read the rest
I’ve talked about how my parents split up when I was around 4. And I’ve talked about how my younger brother and I lived mainly with my grandparents (on Dad’s side) for a couple of years after that. But I’ve … Read the rest
“God is in control.” And “God’s got this.” Or how about, “Just gotta remember it’s all part of God’s plan, so wait for His perfect timing.” If you’ve been saying any of those things…or anything that sounds like them, then … Read the rest
Are you still eating Christmas leftovers? If they have anything to do with baked goodies, then, by all means, carry on. Nothing wrong with helping that Christmas spirit linger a little longer. But one thing you definitely should avoid. And … Read the rest
This is just for Christian songwriters So, everybody else just go about your business. Nothing to see or hear here. (Are they gone, yet?) OK, I’ve got some encouragement, admonition, and even merch for Christian songwriters. Especially the ones living … Read the rest
We win when we choose the right team Back in 2009 I was in the middle of my three years as a music leader for a small Denver area church. It was (and is) a church with a strong, abolitionist, … Read the rest
Walking With the Enemy I just saw a short video clip of the so-called “leaders” of China and North Korea walking down a long hallway…smiling and talking like good friends. And a couple of thoughts popped into my head immediately. … Read the rest