Hey kiddos. Repeat after me. Metamorphosis. Wow. Now, that’s a word they should change into something easier to say. Right? Hey, wait a second. Eureka! That’s it! We could use the word, change. But metamorphosis is a drastic change. Like … Read the rest
Tag Archives: change the world
I doesn’t matter what I wish. What matters is what’s actually doable, possible, and true. And that’s not to say I’ll never wish for better things for our world. Because I’m sure I will. In fact, I have. Many times. … Read the rest
When the going gets tough…you know the rest. Right? Yeah, the tough are nowhere to be found. Just kidding (mostly). When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Once upon a time there was this world. And it was … Read the rest
We are the world. But that’s not a good thing. We can do good things. But we’re not solutions for change. We are not the answer to life’s challenges and problems. That’s why I don’t like that famous song, “We … Read the rest