Rhyming books?! Are you kidding me? Who in their right mind would fall for such a thing? Because that’s all so last century. These days, kids want rap. Not stuff that actually rhymes. And just saying “rhyming books” sounds so … Read the rest
Tag Archives: books for kids
Anyone who truly knows me might tell you, if cornered, that I’m definitely anti touchy feely ushy-gushy stuff. So, I make it a point to write books for kids with a good balance of love AND strength. And I believe … Read the rest
Theo loved drawing and coloring from the moment he could hold a crayon. And his bedroom walls were papered with creations straight out of his wild imagination. Just about every other day he’d ask his mom or dad to get … Read the rest
According to some information I read, recently, Christian books for kids are supposed to “beautifully blend faith, morals, and storytelling.” And that should help provide “essential tools for young readers’ spiritual and moral growth.” And apparently Christian books for kids … Read the rest
When I was a kid, I’d almost always be the first one to get up. And I’d sneak into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal. Not every day was a cereal day. Because moms knew growing kids … Read the rest
It started like this. A made up god, named Woden created the earth and sky from the dead body of a giant named Ymir. Then, he also created the first man and woman from an ash tree and an alder. And … Read the rest
What do these next sentences have in common? 1) Henry was a hippo, and I don’t know if you know this, but hippos are HUGE. 2) Tiny, smooth ripples at the edge of a large, starlit lake; slender fingers of tall … Read the rest
Unless you’ve got your hands over your eyes and ears you know there’s a lotta trouble in this world. It’s worse than I’ve ever seen it. But there’s been massive trouble on this planet my whole life. And it was … Read the rest
One of the members said their group name described “people with vague or half-formed intimations and ideas.” And he said it was for “those who dabble in ink” as they talk about their works in progress. Members to this dynamic … Read the rest
With all the randomness in the universe, and our cute, little solar system, it’s a wonder that we can predict the moon phases with such accuracy. But we’re so good at it (and by “we” I mean earthlings) that we … Read the rest
I just read a short article about a Milky Way black hole problem. And you’d better brace yourself. Because this is a serious problem. Here’s a snippet from that article: “A black hole with millions of times more mass than … Read the rest
If you’re a business owner, you understand how great it is to get your dream started. And you know what it feels like to work hard, build your dream, and turn on the lights for the first time. You don’t … Read the rest