Every year, there are highly effective assassins paid off roughly 500 million, in your tax dollars, to make sure innocent, preborn babies never see the light of day. Yeah, that group is well- organized, well-funded, and well-equipped to kill over … Read the rest
Tag Archives: abolish abortion
That wall is a terrible place. And it gets almost NO attention. Oh sure, there are some who talk about it. But they’re usually called haters. And do-gooders. And technical stuff like that. But the media barely give it any … Read the rest
If you even think evil thoughts, you’ve sinned. How’s that for a cheerful start to your week? I had one main reason why it came up in me to say that. Because of the kinds of things that transpired over … Read the rest
Yeah, it’s true. Real scientists actually do still exist. But there are so many others I describe as “so-called scientists” that you won’t typically find the real ones on TV or radio. Thank goodness we have the internet for the … Read the rest
When it comes to truth, most politicians would rather not. I hope that’s not true, when it comes to YOU. And I hope you don’t leave yourself in a compromised position when it comes to life and truth. Because compromise … Read the rest
I saw a headline that I had to check out. It said: A prominent doctor asks Democrats: “If abortion is healthcare, my question is: what disease are you treating?” And I say Kudos to the good doctor for the “what … Read the rest
This dreadful message is dark. Too dark for the front page news and prime time. So, you won’t see or hear it unless you tune into channels where people share the truth even when it’s unpopular. I’ve shared that kind … Read the rest
I wonder how many teenagers realize they’re walking, ticking timebombs. Have they seen the headline, “An Abortion Ban Made Them Teen Parents.” And do they know they could save themselves just by moving to another state? Because, for now, they … Read the rest
In a way, you could say that life requires the incrementalism approach. Because you’re not born knowing everything you’ll know or how to do everything you’ll do. And you don’t learn calculus and geometry in first grade. And you don’t … Read the rest
It was fifteen years ago, next month, that some friends of mine attempted to put together and display the largest protest sign ever. The event took place in Golden, Colorado (near Denver) to send a message to the Democratic National … Read the rest
Most every young person has them. Well, I say that as someone who was once a young person who had them. But when I was a young person, the world didn’t seem nearly as hopeless. So, it wasn’t difficult to … Read the rest
Many years ago I called on singer-songwriters, particularly those who call themselves Christians, to embrace the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb. And, sadly, that idea didn’t catch on all that well. Evidently pro life ideas don’t … Read the rest