Can you believe we have a mask debate in America? I bet our ancestors and forefathers would not have imagined we’d ever have a mask debate right here in the land of the free and the home of brave. And … Read the rest
Tag Archives: a matter of life and death
Going home again Every person on Earth was once a thought in the mind of God. So, you and I originated in Him and that makes Him our first home. Whether you agree or not makes no difference. It’s still … Read the rest
What do love and the afterlife have in common? Most people believe they “go somewhere better”when they die. And I hope they do. But if you’re like most people, do you also believe you go somewhere better because you’ve been … Read the rest
The Actual Attributes of God If you do an online search for the attributes of God, you’re liable to find what one pastor calls the “omni’s and the im’s”. You’ve probably heard of them…omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent…immutable and impassible. Those are … Read the rest
Guilty people go to hell There. I said it. That’s what happens to guilty people. Not jail. Hell. Sounds kinda bleak, doesn’t it? And even if you count yourself among the non-judging people, you probably have a few choice words … Read the rest
Free from the law…but you still wanna pay?! What if you found yourself standing before a judge behind his ominous, oak desk…and you were found guilty of a crime that carried a $20 billion fine? If you’re like the rest … Read the rest
Life Love Loss – Sound familiar? Every human being who was ever born, is being born now, or will be born will experience these same three things: Life Love Loss. Obviously if you were born and you’re reading this now, … Read the rest
Distinct Types
When I use the term “distinct types” I’m not describing someone’s prowess, agility, or style on computer keys or a typewriter. The world is full of distinct types of organisms…in other words recognizably different from other organisms. Scientists have a … Read the rest