System Activation ““ more of the power of music
A few years back, a young teacher, in a school near where I lived and worked, asked me if she could use some of my children’s music for a presentation she was gonna make with her class. I said, “Of course.”After she picked the four songs she wanted to use, I asked her why those four. And she said, “Because those songs really get ’em going.”Without either one of us realizing it at the time, she was talking about system activation. And it was fun watching it in action on the day her class made their presentation to the school. Now, where did I put that video…
Little kids love to sing along and dance to fun and funny songs. There’s more going on there than just kid silliness. It’s almost like they can’t help themselves. Because music causes system activation. In fact, it activates multiple system lobes in the brain.
- Auditory system or center: naturally, you gotta be able to process sound
- Motor system or center: where your brain processes rhythm
- Language system or center: the area of the brain where lyrics are processed
- Limbic system or center: maybe the most complex area where emotions are processed
System activation is sort of like manipulation.
If you’re like me (and basically most people), when your favorite song comes on, you almost can’t help yourself. You’ve either got to sing along or tap your fingers or toes. Maybe you even feel the need to get up and dance. Depends on the song that moves you, but you get the point. Words and music are powerful manipulators. And that’s why they’re also powerful brand builders.
When you put your message to music, you can create energy. And energy can give people the feeling of success. When they’re feeling successful, they’re more likely to associate that feeling with you and your brand. That’s part of the limbic system activation I mentioned before. Get someone emotionally attached to you and your brand, and you might just have a customer for life.
Do you disagree? Don’t take my word for it. Ask Apple if emotions work.
Stay tuned,
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