Supply of the Spirit, it’s time to get near it
Can you know that you know? Are you confident of your deliverance from this mean world into an eternal paradise? Do you have earnest (diligent) expectation and hope about anything? Does the boldness of any absolute truth have a place in you? Well, you can answer “yes” to these questions if and when you learn to trust in the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
This supply of the Spirit isn’t like going to a “spiritual guide” and getting some feel-good affirmations. Feelings change and affirmations change. This kind of supply is like trying to live on a diet of empty carbs. You’ll never feel full. In fact, you’ll feel weaker as time goes by.
So, tap into the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
Then, you access Living Water and the Bread of Life. This is solid food for your soul and spirit that will give you the confidence and boldness to face all life’s challenges…even unto death. When you realize that “to live is Christ”, you’ll understand that death is merely separation…separation from this mortal body, but going immediately into the loving presence of the One who created you.
The Apostle Paul was so certain of it he said he was “hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better“. He knew how glorious it would be to go be with the Lord, but he also knew that if he lived “on in the flesh”, it would mean more fruit from his labor. He was willing to live on in order to bring more people to the saving Grace of Jesus. Talk about Christian love.
So, what about you? Have you gained the kind of confidence from the supply of the Spirit that fills (at least partially) you with sacrificial love for your fellow human? It doesn’t matter whether you’re new to the Word of God or have been a Christian most of your life…tap into the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
In Christian Love,
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