Lots of people love to share what their superpower is. And many are doing that for fun. I get it. But, for a growing number of people (probably Marvel movie addicts) having a superpower isn’t just a funny thing to say. Because they believe that somehow, some way, some day, humans will figure out how to do it.
But humans will never get there.
But I know where actual superpower is.
And I know how that superpower can (and will) extend into me. And I’ll become immortal. Never to die again. But not because I found the special crystal. Or “holy grail.”
None of that nonsense will bring me immortality. Not even if I gathered all the the special power-filled stones and plugged them into a special one-of-a-king glove could I attain immortality.
Because immortality can only come from immortality.
But who cares? I might be just another one of those wackadoos with an agenda. Somebody who wants donations for a new “organization” or “church” where healings and miracles happen every day.
Yeah, that’s about the furthest from what I try to do here on TonyFunderburk dot com.
I just want anyone who’s seeking truth…anyone who might even stumble there way here…to know Truth exists. And it’s dependable. And it’s immortal. Because it comes from immortality. Or to put it better…from THE Immortal. Your one true, living, loving Creator.
The One who came to Earth as a man, took our sins on Himself, died a horrible death, and rose from the dead. He is where superpower is. And without Him…
You’re drowning in the murky mass opinion.
You’re gasping for a breath of fresher air.
Denial of the truth makes you a minion,
Denial of a life means you don’t care.
Stay tuned,
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