What do supernova remnants and stars have in common? Oops. When I say “stars,” I mean the so-called Hollywood stars.
What do they have in common with supernova remnants?
Well, nothing, really. Except that I’m talking about them both right now. And that’s because, in my serpentine sense of irony, I found a connection. It’s sort of a polar opposites connection. But that’s what makes it ironic.
Yeah, yeah. I’ll get to the point.
Lots of so-called “Hollywood stars” are obsessed with looking young. Even when they’re clearly not young and haven’t been young for quite some time. And so many times their fixation on the features of their face turn into a freaky fiasco. (How do you like my alliterative homage to the letter F?)
A sad reality is how women far outnumber men when it comes to the facial fixes. Just do an online search for plastic surgery before and after pictures. And click or tap on the “images” option. You’ll see what I mean. And that could be a whole ‘nother article. But that’s not what I’m fixated on right now.
My focus is the irony.
Those who try so hard to look young, even when they’re old, claim the universe is old, even though it looks so young.
Take my supernova remnants example I used to start this article. Here’s what a PhD. from M.I.T. said about them in his book…
“In galaxies similar to our Milky Way Galaxy, a star will explode every 26 years or so.These explosions, called supernovas, produce gas and dust that expand outward thousands of miles per second. With radio telescopes, these remnants in our galaxy should be visible for a million years. However, only about 7,000 years’ worth of supernova debris are seen. So, the Milky Way looks young.”
That’s just one example, of so many young universe, galaxy, solar system, and planet examples. But, unfortunately, too many so-called “scientists” believe in, and perpetuate, an old universe. Because they believe in, and trust in, the evolution fairy tale.
And technology advances daily.
So, it gives us deeper and deeper looks into the complexities of life. And the more complex the discoveries, the older the universe gets. According to “them.” And there’s the irony again. They give the universe the opposite of a facelift. What would that be? A facedrop?
In awe of all creation and how it all could be
The fairy tale illusions increase with every year.
The wrinkled plans expand…exponentially,
Until one day, perhaps, a duck becomes a deer.
(yeah, right)
(from the song “Fast Forward”)
If you’ve ever considered plastic surgery, as a way to keep looking young, keep this in mind. In this world, you WILL age. And you WILL get old and die. But there’s a way to be sure that death isn’t the end. And it’s so much easier than having your face “lifted.”
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