Humans sure are stupid things. If you’re not a human, then you’re probably giggling to yourself, “You can say that again.” Ok, I will.
Humans sure are stupid things.
Now, I’m pretty sure you’re a human. Because as far as my software has been able to detect, no aliens (from other worlds, not criminals from other countries) have signed up for my writings.
So, since it’s likely you ARE one of the earthly homo sapiens, do you agree with me? You know what? Don’t answer that. Because you ARE also of the stupidocitus humanicus strain. But if makes you feel any better (and I doubt it will), so am I.
Yeah. The video replay of my life, that projects across the screen of my mind’s eye, shows plenty of, let’s say, an abundance of less than stellar choices and decisions.
And here’s something that’s even more disturbing. There’s almost a 100% chance I’ll add to those sad stats. Because, darn it, I’m still one of those stupid things. At least as long as the air from this broken-down planet, spinning elliptically around the sun, flows through my compromised lungs.
(I should probably wear one of these t-shirts)
But don’t think for even a nano-infinitessimal-quantum second that I’ll give up my breathing habit. Not without a fight. Because as stupid as I’ve been in this life, I’m still saved from it. And knowing that motivates me to tell anyone, who’ll listen to or read my words, how that happened.
Maybe that’s why the most well-known Paul wrote this:
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Yeah, that helps persuade me, too. To look up even as I predict bad stuff. You do, too. Right?
I have seen the tides of freedom
Swept onto the shores of man.
I have seen the storm of greed
Take it all away again.
© 1977
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