Human beings are curious creatures. Especially those of us who’ve been fortunate to have been born in a “free” society where so much stuff and nonsense happens in the name of freedom.
And I’ve said, before, that Americans tend to be very image-bound and sound-byte-gagged.
First, they see what seems to be the definition of success. Then, they measure themselves against it. When the dollar amounts start to boggle the mind, or the beauty is beyond fantasy, or the “stuff” is piled up on TV, feelings of inadequacy pop up.
And, again, that’s just stuff and nonsense.
So, I recommend you remember that you’re not the sum total of your dollars. Not the sum total of your beauty. And certainly not the sum total of your stuff. It would definitely be nonsense to think so.
And you’re not the sum total of the labels you wear through this life. You’re especially not the sum total of the labels other people attach to you. Those don’t make you. And they shouldn’t break you. So, here’s what I’ve always recommended. Think it over. And I think you’ll see it has its foundation in the wisdom you can only find in the Bible.
- Work to produce…not for the money.
- Play to relax…not to escape.
- Laugh to enjoy…not to cover up.
- Love to give…not to acquire.
- And live to be thankful…not to compare.
You are the sum total of where you position yourself for eternity.
Choose wisely, and…
Stay tuned,
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