When I was a boy, most parents, across America, actually cared about their kids’ health. And well-being. Yeah, I know it sounds like a fairy tale. But it was true. Most homes had a stay at home mom. And that’s a HUGE advantage over what goes on in America these days.
My stay at home mom was better than any superhero.
She didn’t just make sure I was fed. She also bought, prepared, and cooked the food. Show me some guy who dresses up in spandex with a spider or large S on his chest who ever did that. Sorry, you won’t be able to show me that. Because it never happened.
Plus, my stay at home mom didn’t just make sure I was dressed properly. She also bought or made my clothes. And she washed and ironed those clothes. And she did that for multiple kids in the house. GASP! That’s gotta be a typo. Because that doesn’t even sound real.
But it was total reality back in the day.
I pity the vast majority of households in America who don’t have a stay at home mom. It’s tragically sad to know the enormous benefits they’re missing out on.
Moms AND dads, back then, for the most part made sure their kids watched G-rated programs and movies. Thankfully they had lots to choose from that had positive messages. Even if they were just messages of friendship, honesty, perseverance, and teamwork.
And positive faith-filled messages (without technology overload) sparked imagination and creativity.
Yeah, it ain’t no coincidence that clear minds create better.
An increasing number of people want you to believe there’s no such thing as a coincidence. Of course, that’s not true. Most times things happen because of your choices. But sometimes the way things are is by design. And one example is how much better your mind works when it’s filled with better things.
I’m so glad my stay at home mom AND my work hard dad gave me a life of lots more better things. Because that sparked my imagination and creativity. And that spark grew into a flame that’s never burnt out.
The color of music notes is in your head,
In circles and parallelograms,
And in abstract and translucent bowls.
And it’s all held together by sonic thread.
The colors keep dripping down into the song
Like jellies and marmalades and jams.
And they take on sweet lives without souls.
And that’s where you’ll find yourself floating along.
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