Ten years ago, right here on TonyFunderburk.com, I share some of my thoughts about social media. And I talked about how people get socially bold when they can hide behind a fake handle. So, I mentioned how social media is, in almost all cases, not conversation. Well, instead of me telling you I said such and such, here’s what I said…way back then.
Why I still say being socially bold on social media is not conversation.
— But notice I said “conversation”…not communication. Social media is an awesome way to communicate your message to any person or group you care to connect with (Or is that “with whom you’d like to connect?” You’re not supposed to dangle a preposition. So, I certainly don’t want to.)
The trouble I see with online social media tools is they too often become a soapbox, a bully pulpit, a digital megaphone. And the message too often becomes argumentative, pointless, and in the long run directionless. This phenomenon doesn’t play favorites with nobody’s and has-been’s. It readily affects the rich and famous, the political, the powerful, the pundits. And it binds the bold and beautiful people. It needles the nerds. And it frequents the freaks.
I’m glad you asked.
Well…think about it. Isn’t it more fun to sit at your computer (like I am now) or smartphone or tablet and say whatever you want without having to listen to someone butt in with their rant or their rave? I mean, c’mon…who wants to actually listen anymore. If people really wanted to listen, they might use their phones to talk with other people…instead of texting, gaming, and sharing pictures and videos.
But I’m getting away from my main point. Social media. So, I’ll just say this as succinctly as I can. I don’t want to talk with “media.” Because I want to talk with you. And here’s the kicker. I’d like you to talk with me. And I’d like us both to listen, learn, and love the interaction.
I love media as much as the next person. And more than most. But I do miss the “social.” The man-to-man handshake. The “catching up.” The something we used to call “visiting with friends.”
What do you think? Is there a good way to do this digitally? —
OK, that’s my thoughts on it from 10 years ago.
And I think things are pretty much the same now. Except that people are more socially bold than ever. And that’s definitely NOT a good thing.
Unless your boldness includes standing up for the Truth. And the Truth is, there’s one (and ONLY one) living, loving Creator. And He loves you and me. Enough to make an easy way to have eternal life once we leave these current earthly bodies behind.
Yeah. Be that bold. And git social widit.
Stay tuned,
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