It’s funny (odd, not ha ha) how small comets got me thinking about the old Comet cleanser TV commercials. And you’d have to jump into Professor Peabody’s Wayback machine or hop onto YouTube to see ’em now. (and if you don’t remember Professor Peabody and his Wayback machine, you’re too young to read this). But I’m not talkin’ about those innocent, family friendly commercials right now.
No, this is about small comets filled with ice.
I’m sure you already know how small comets hit Earth’s atmosphere about every three seconds. Right? But no big deal. They probably just bounce off and fly away with their tails between their legs. Right?
Wrong. And…wrong.
It’s actually a pretty big deal when a small comet hits Earth’s atmosphere. Because each one dumps about 20 to 40 tons of water into that big blue sky of ours. But maybe you think that’s no big deal because you think that water would just vaporize or something.
But it IS a big deal. Because even the vapor would add up. It doesn’t just magically disappear. Because, well, there’s no such thing as magic.
Here’s the big reason why small comets dumping water into our atmosphere is a big deal.
Because so-called “scientists” say the Earth evolved.
Then, they build up their fairy tale by saying the evolution of our planet (and eventually us) took place over the course of millions and millions of years. Maybe even billions. (Hey, it’s just numbers, so make ’em big.)
But if small comets would have dumped water into Earth’s atmosphere for all that time, they could have formed all our oceans. Yeah. That much water could have fallen. Maybe even more. Dr. Walt Brown, a PhD from M.I.T. said this about that…
“No doubt past impact rates were even greater, because the planets have swept many of these comets from the solar system. Therefore, small comets would have placed much more water on Earth than is here today. Obviously, this did not happen, so oceans look young.”
But so-called “scientists” don’t want the oceans or Earth or the presence of humans to be be young. Because then Christians, who believe in a young Earth created by God, might have a valid point.
And we can’t have that. After all, that would mean maybe information in the Bible might be true. Gadzooks! We can’t have that.
But we DO have that.
And I thank God how even the stars in the Heavens declare His glory. And His story.
If you see a fiery flame against the midnight sky,
Or just a tiny sparkle in the corner of your eye,
It might be me because I’m sailing through the stars.
I’ll turn and wave when I pass Mars. (excerpt from Perfect Point of View)
Stay tuned,
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