Call me wacky, but I’m a singer songwriter who wants to know why people like or don’t like my music. 🙂
So, on that note (pun intended) I’ve created a cool visual survey. You can check out the slides to lyrics of 11 of my songs in the widget below. And all you have to do is go through the slides and give a thumbs up or thumbs down. You’ll see the slide controller and thumbs at the bottom.
Then, I’ll know exactly what to write and what not to write in my next song. Well…maybe not exactly, but at least I’ll gain some insight into what my music followers prefer. What do you say? Can you help out a poor wordsmith? Thanks, in advance, for your support.
(sorry, this is no longer available)
Now, jump on the The FunderFlash. And be part of the growing band of believers who wanna show the world that life has Rhyme and Reason because God is Real.