Selfish Ambition
Beating your friends to millionaire status. Spending more when less would do just as nicely. Looking for the next rung on the ladder…no matter who you might step on to reach it. These are all examples of selfish ambition, and I trust they don’t describe you.
I recently enjoyed lunch with a pastor friend of mine, and our topic of conversation somehow got to end-of-life circumstances. He gave a succinct and poignant description. He said, “The last week you’re alive all your important belongings will be in the nightstand next to your bed…and you won’t even take those few things with you when you die.”
How true.
So, let me ask you…are you driven by ambition that says more is better? Are you looking toward each day with a passion to acquire more “stuff”? Do you believe you’ll get enough one day? Or are you really not sure?
The pursuit of “stuff” and accolades is not the same thing as “the pursuit of happiness” the founders of America described in the Declaration of Independence. And earthly pursuit of happiness is only a fraction of the time you’ll exist. Why would you want to pursue something that only exists for 100 years or less…at best?
Here’s an idea. Find someone you can help out today. I don’t mean with a hand-out. I mean truly help. Show them love and kindness. It can be a friend or a family member. You may not even need to go beyond the four walls of your own home.
Give of yourself. Let the thought of acquiring or taking float away from you. You’ll discover a lightness in your soul that will lift you up for days. When your selfish ambition fades into selfless provision, you’ll build something you can take with you when you die. And it will last forever.
Stay tuned…