So, I reached the end of the comic book, but I kept reading. Because in the back of the magazine was a way to get a sea monkeys kit. And what blonde-haired, blue-eyed American boy wouldn’t want one of those?
What?! You think there’s no such thing as a sea monkeys kit?
Well, it was advertised right there in a real life comic book. So, what more proof do you need. Or, if you didn’t want the sea monkeys kit, you could always get the secret to turn a 90-pound weakling into a real He-Man. And they couldn’t advertise all that if it wasn’t true.
Yeah, that’s all a bunch of silliness. The sea monkey kit just had some freeze-dried tiny shrimp that sort of came to life when you added water. And the “secret” to turn a 90-pound weakling into a real He-Man was the same as it always is. Work out. Eat sensibly. And stay as healthy as you can.
Plus, remember, those silly ads were (and are) in comic books where imagination is center of it all.
But there was once a guy named Ernst who drew some goofy drawings of human babies with gills. And he told some fibs about how humans go through phases, in mom’s womb, that resemble stages of evolution. What a knucklehead. You were made in the image and likeness of God. And He gave you imagination.
So, maybe you could use imagination to pretend you CAN breathe underwater. Then you could take an imaginary trip through the deep, blue sea. And you don’t have to hold your breath. And you don’t have to be like a fish. Let fish breathe their way. And you breathe your way. Just be you and enjoy the journey.
Here’s a rhyme to get little minds of mush (kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc,) started off in the right direction when it comes to imagination like that.
Swim With Fish
I want you to come with me
Down in the deep, blue sea
Where a sea horse grins and spins its fins
And says we can swim for free.
We won’t have to stop for air
The whole time we’re under there.
We can swim with fish if we make a wish.
It’s a make-believe we’ll share.
So tell me, what do you say?
Would you like to go today?
We can tell our tales, how we swam with whales
And then we went our merry way. © 2020
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