If you told your mom or dad you love them, but then you always disobey and make trouble, what do you think that says about you? It says your words don’t mean much. You can tell anybody anything. But if you don’t mean what you say, they’ll know it. If not at first, they’ll catch on after a while. That’s why saying you love someone is not enough. You need to show ’em.
The good news is…everybody is looking for love. All you need to do is make yours easy to see.
How do you do that? Well, think of how you like people to show you love. Then do some of those things for others…even if they’re not doing it for you, or even if they haven’t done anything for you all day. You be first.
Remember, saying you love someone is not enough.
Do something nice, and see how much better you feel. And don’t be surprised if you make someone smile. Do something nice, and I’ll bet some nice things happen for you, too. Think of it this way…
Saying you love someone is easy to do,
But showing your love should be, too.
Starting today, with the words that you say,
Share all the best parts of you.
Saying you love someone is not quite enough
And backing it up might seem tough,
But make it your plan, I’m sure that you can
Because you’re made of the right stuff.
Stay tuned,
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