The road to perdition is paved with nothing. And as silly as that sounds, most people on our little blue planet believe it’s the right road. And they’ll even say it out loud. With conviction. And sometimes indignation.
I found this definition, in an online dictionary, for perdition: (in Christian theology) a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death.
Sounds like fun, right? No, it sounds horrible. And yet, the vast majority of our human race is driving, full-speed, toward that destination right this minute.
And, like I said, their road to perdition is paved with nothing.
Because they actually still believe everything in the whole universe came from nothing.
Their little fairy tale goes like this:
Once upon a time there was nothing but a tiny dot. And the tiny dot exploded. Then everything we know about rose up out of that explosion. We all had our beginning in the “primordial soup.” So, like someone I know used to say, “from the goo to the zoo to you.”
Of course, I simplified the story because they like to make it sound scientific. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Their claim that everything came from nothing is silly. And childish. And definitely not staying true to actual science. It’s a fairy tale just like magical toys that come to life and talk. Or little boys and girls who fly. Or talking elephants. And even creatures that are part human and part horse. Fun and imaginative stories, maybe. But it’s good to remember they’re make-believe.
It’s so weird to think, in this age of microscopic photography and quantum biology, there are still adults who’ll tell you there’s no such thing as God. But, yes Virginia, they still believe in their debunked fairy tale.
That’s just as silly and foolish as saying everything came from nothing. Even worse, it’s sad. Because people who make that choice will spend forever in a place all by themselves. Eternally lonely. If you know someone like that, I hope you’ll show them how much you love them. And how much God loves them, too. And you can do that with evidence. Not just feelings.
Because there’s a mountain of evidence to support Biblical truth. Manuscripts. Archaeological discoveries. Prophetic manifestations. And tons of a documented (actual) scientific statistics.
Evidence gets and keeps you on the right road.
And the awesome thing is, the learning process never ends. I’m still learning. Anyone who seeks truth, instead of way to be their own god, keeps learning. Because we can never get to the end of our awesome, infinite Creator.
And the best part is, everyone who loves God will get to live with Him forever. And we’ll spend eternity discovering how only He can make and keep us healthy and happy forever.
If you know someone who’s on that road to perdition, give ’em the better map. God’s word.
Believing in nothing is no good.
It’s better when something’s understood.
‘Cause nothing didn’t make you, and nothing doesn’t take you
Where only your Creator ever could.
Stay tuned,
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