Yeah, it’s true. Real scientists actually do still exist. But there are so many others I describe as
“so-called scientists” that you won’t typically find the real ones on TV or radio.
Thank goodness we have the internet for the real scientists.
Because, over the past couple of decades, real scientists have been working on the genetic code in humans. And they found out something so incredible you’d almost have to have a working brain cell or two to believe.
They found out humans fall into two categories or sets of chromosomes. The XY set. And the YY set. XY chromosomes are found in males. And YY chromosomes are found in females. Why? Why?! It’s by design. And not the design of some kook with a test tube.
Nope. God gave you twenty-three chromosomes from each of your parents. So, your physical design, is found in those forty six chromosomes.
Now, here’s a vitally important part to this information that’s completely ignored and even shunned by so-called “pro choice” advocates.
Forty six chromosomes are all present from the moment of conception.
Here’s what that means. The moment a human sperm fertilizes a human egg, you have a brand new human. Everything a person needs, to be a unique person, is found in those forty six chromosomes at conception. Are you with me so far?
Your chromosomes determine whether you’ll be tall or short, portly or lean, blue eyes and blond hair or green eyes and brown hair, and rich or poor.
Just kidding on the “rich or poor” part. Just checking to see if you’re paying attention.
But the cool thing is that you get to work on the rich or poor part yourself.
And I don’t know if you realize this or not, but science actually agrees with God on this subject. So, you’d think it would be a no-brainer. Case closed. End of discussion. And verdict reached. A human embryo is a human. Next case.
But, sadly, that’s not the case.
Too many selfish (even to the arrogant level) people ignore the facts. You’re a person. And your physical design is in motion from the moment of conception. And, please, let’s not argue over when the moment of conception is. If we can’t agree on when that moment is, can’t we at least agree not to kill IT until after we know what IT is?
Here’s a little mathematical equation I came up with. Let me know what you think. Because your opinion is just as important as other real scientists.
23 + 23 = 1
I got a little bit from my mom
I got a little bit from my dad
And I got my DNA from the great Yahweh
And it’s the only life I’ve had
Twenty-three plus twenty-three is one
Chromosomes were a mystery
But that mystery is gone.
Twenty-three plus twenty-three is one.
Until we learn to add it up…
The lesson isn’t quite done.
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