Do you pursue peace with all people? If so, I’m sure you’ve found out how difficult it is…impossible, in fact.
Just because something is impossible doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue or attempt it. Remember…you aren’t in this life alone. You have God on your side, and with Him “all things are possible“.
You DO have God on your side, don’t you?
You have two chances of success without God. Zero…and none. Without the hope of an absolute standard of truth, love, and peace you’ll be wandering in the wilderness your entire life. And it will all have been in vain when it comes to an end. Even if you became the conquering king of the whole world…but forfeited your soul…you gained nothing. And your conquests devoured peace like a ravenous buzzard.
I’d like you to take special notice of the word “pursue”. God tells us to “pursue peace with all people”. He doesn’t say “attain” or “accomplish” or “establish”. He is fully aware that many people want nothing to do with your childish notions of peace. God isn’t looking to you (or me) to make sure peace with all people occurs in our lifetime. He’s trying to establish an attitude…a heart condition for us. He wants us to WANT peace.
The desire of your heart should be for peace with all.
This doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat for those who would seek to destroy you and your “peace”. Quite the contrary. You can stand fast and be strong. It’s OK to be powerful and courageous. As a matter of fact, it’s the only way you should be operating in this mean ol’ world.
I hope you’ll start and/or finish your day, today, with an attitude of pursuit. While you’re busy taking care of your family, or helping your neighbor, or running your business…think of ways you can pursue peace. You may not achieve it with all people, but you may surprise yourself at how successful you can be with a little peaceful practice.
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