Pure water is colorless. And odorless. And, just like almost all comedians, movie stars, and politicians, it’s also tasteless. I could have said flavorless, but it’s more fun to make that comparison, and that’s why I didn’t. So, if you notice a hint of color or some sort of weird odor or taste, your water isn’t pure. It might still be OK, but it isn’t pure.
And neither are YOU.
And neither am I. Because nobody is pure. Well, maybe a cute, little baby is. But that’s as close as any of us will ever get to being pure in this world. So, I guess everybody needs to close up shop, pull down the shades, and lie still in the dark till the bad stuff passes.
Problem is, the bad stuff never really passes. That realization might cause you to feel hopeless. Unless you find a way to deal with it. In fact, not only deal with it, but also live through it with JOY.
“But, Tony, you just don’t know what I’m going through.”
Nope. I don’t. But I DO know everybody else is also going through this tough challenge we call life. So, how do some people do it with JOY? Well, it comes back to water. But not the odorless, colorless, tasteless kind. I’m talkin’ about the Living Water. Your Creator. That’s what He called Himself.
And, off the top of my mind, I can’t think of a Bible verse to support it, but I believe He used water to describe Himself because nothing can quench your thirst like it. And your soul thirsts for truth (another word He used to describe Himself) and yearns to be quenched in the Living Water. Even if you don’t realize or acknowledge it.
I hope and pray that your body and soul are quenched and refreshed today and every day of your life.
And here’s a poem, for the kiddos, about the wonder of…
Pure Water
In the color of water that is pure
Is a quenching, magnetic allure.
See, there’s really no color found at all
Until we see a place it can fall.
Water colors can be found only if
There’s a rainstorm or maybe a cliff.
Or when light shines through water in a glass.
Or it’s heated and it turns to gas.
In the color of water you can find
Exploration to sharpen your mind.
Many people might simply pass it by
Without it ever catching their eye.
When you wake up and anytime you play,
Take a cool drink of water today,
And the good health of your life will shine through
In the color of water in you.
© 2015
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