Today I’d like to share a pro life music video from John Elefante. You may remember him as the lead singer for the band, “Kansas”.
This song came out in the last part of 2013, but I heard and watched it for the first time today. It takes what one blogger called “an overtly pro life stance on the contentious matter” of abortion. I’ve known for a while that John Elefante was a Christian, and I’m proud of him for taking this stance. In fact, it inspires me to get busy and create more pro life words and music.
If you’re a musician, artist, or writer of any kind, I urge you (and challenge) to take up the cause of the unborn. These days it’s far more dangerous to be an unborn baby in America than it is to be just about anyone else anywhere else. That’s incredibly sad and despicable.
And writers, singers, and artists can do more to effect change in the hearts and minds of people than anyone else. I strongly believe that. Pastors and other speakers can do a great job…and many do…but there’s nothing like words and music and pictures to create enduring and effective messages.
If America has lost her soul to the god of selfishness, and turned away from the God of Creation, then it’s no surprise that abortion, murder, child abuse, racism, and so many other sins escalate out of control. In fact, it’s inevitable.
My hope is that I can write, sing, draw, and produce some effective messages to change hearts. God, direct my path and bless my efforts.
Stay tuned,
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