What’s the best route from point A to point B?
All together now…that’s right…a straight line. Now; that being said…what’s point A? And what’s point B? And how do you know if you’re on a straight line from point A to point B?
Good questions. I know I asked ’em, but good nevertheless. Well, point A is where you are now. You know how you go into a mall, and they have the “mall map” inside a case and you look for the “you are here” spot? That’s your reference point, and if you have even the slightest sense of direction, you can find the store you want on the map and start walking to it.
Next…let’s move from point A to point B.
In the same scenario from the paragraph above, point B would be the store you looked for and started walking toward. So, in other words, point B is where you want to go. In the mall example you could locate the store and go in the exact opposite direction following only the outer walls and still get there. Not very effective, but the end result would be successful…albeit very delayed.
Or, you could locate the store, point yourself in that direction, and walk straight to it and get there much faster and much more efficiently. Successful end result and with a lot of extra time to spare when compared to the walking the other way. Right?
Something else that can come up even in your “direct” walk to point B is distraction. After all; you’re in a mall. You’re bound to see some shoes you just “gotta have”. Or you’ll stop and drool over that awesome surround sound digital megaDef home theater system. Maybe you’ll decide to stop and sample that divine cinnamon roll that’s been wafting up your nose for the past 15 minutes. You get the idea. Distractions can keep you from arriving at your desired location. If not for good, at least for a significantly postponed time.
In your ongoing marketing efforts you need to get from point A to point B (i.e. – where you are now to your desired end result, location, or outcome) in an efficient, timely manner to be as effective and successful as possible. So you’ll need to keep some key points in mind…
- Know (not think you know) where you are…
- Know (not think you know) where you want to go…
- See clearly where “point B” is or clearly, vividly visualize yourself there…
- Be aware of what your distractions are or could be and build up barriers against them…
- And don’t stop until you get there…then you’ll begin to prepare for a new “point B”
This isn’t mystical, magical, or mind over matter.
It’s the good ol’ work ethic. You keep working at it until you achieve it. I don’t buy into the “work harder not smarter” cliche’ either. No way. You work harder AND smarter. Increase your skills consistently so you can achieve more in less time. Learn more software programs to streamline your efficiency. But then you gotta (as we used to say in high school choir) practice, practice, practice! You don’t get better simply by “being smarter”. I like to say:
Education without Application leads to a Continuation of Frustration. Quote me if you like…just be sure and insert my name when you do.
So apply that wonderful brain of yours to the task at hand and do it until you do it better than anybody. Once you’ve developed this approach to your efforts…your sphere of influence will be made up of bold, straight lines where you can walk from point A to point B with confidence. If you ever need help with your walk, just contact me…or better yet…pray to your Creator. And what’s stopping you from starting today?
Stay tuned,
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