Happy Easter. And I only say that to you if you believe in the real reason this holiday (Holy-day) exists. If you don’t believe, then you can have a terrible day for all I care. “Ouch, Tony. That’s harsh.” Oh, … Read the rest
To see me now, it might be difficult to even imagine I was once considered part of the cool crowd. Not the smoke-dope-drop-ludes-party-till-you-drop crowd. But because I was a full-time musician that so-called “cool crowd” those people figured it was … Read the rest
This Sunday is known all around the world as “Easter Sunday” or “Resurrection Sunday.” And today is known as “Good Friday” to a whole lot of people. But those names don’t mean much to most people. And that’s especially sad … Read the rest
Happy Maundy Thursday. And that’s not a typo, in case you didn’t know. And it’s a little bit strange to use the word “happy” with it. But it makes total sense in the big picture. So, what’s the Maundy Thursday … Read the rest
Kids should just be able to be kids. Not confused by dark, dreary, hopeless attacks on all their five senses. Way back in the medieval days of the twentieth century, there were actually G rated movies. And that meant a … Read the rest
Watercolor art has always been one of my favorite media. Or is it medium? Or mediums? Hmm, maybe I’ll pay a medium to find out for me. Anyway… I saw this description of watercolors, during an online search session. In … Read the rest
There’s a book that says “faith comes by hearing.” But here’s the thing. You gotta be willing to listen. Let me share a short snippet about a guy who was. So, this guy’s name was Saul. He lived about 2000 … Read the rest
Forgiveness without repentance is selfish and unwise. How’s that for an opener? But I only said it because it’s true. Forgiveness without repentance kills dogs. Not just people. Yeah, if you won’t apply the proper way to forgive, to and … Read the rest
Long distance relationships never work out. How many times have you heard that one? I’ve heard it a LOT. And I don’t subscribe to that claim even though it’s true. That might sound like I just contradicted myself. But nay … Read the rest
Have you ever been somewhere, on an errand, getting groceries, whatever, and noticed a stressed look somebody’s face? If you haven’t, I’d say you’re just not paying attention. Because it’s epidemic. Or is it pandemic? Who cares? It’s pretty darn … Read the rest
There are better times ahead. No doubt (or two ways) about it. I guarantee it. But there IS a catch. You knew there would be a catch. Right? The better times ahead aren’t for everybody. Nope. There will be miserable … Read the rest
I don’t fly the unfriendly skies anymore. Because I don’t wanna be stuck in an unsanitary tube, soaring through the air at 35000 feet up, with a passenger list that includes people who hate each other and God. But, hey, … Read the rest
If you’ve ever driven through Wichita, Kansas, you might have noticed there are some flat parts. In fact, I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people diss Kansas with comments like, “It’s so flat.” But I just smile to … Read the rest
Here’s a book description written by a real faker: As a dragon, I greet each day with a dance at dawn, a ritual that has become an essential part of my routine. I rise from my slumber in the mountains, … Read the rest
You and I are the source for all the bad stuff going on in the world. OK, maybe you and I didn’t personally start any of the wars. And maybe you and I didn’t personally abduct any small children and … Read the rest
This dreadful message is dark. Too dark for the front page news and prime time. So, you won’t see or hear it unless you tune into channels where people share the truth even when it’s unpopular. I’ve shared that kind … Read the rest
Perfect is boring. That’s one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. By definition, perfection means something is flawless. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. And just because there’s nothing perfect in this world doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. … Read the rest
OK, I admit it. I’m a dreamer. And all my life I’ve had a tendency to romanticize the relational side of life. But I’ve never wished upon a star. Because, for one, I’m not a puppet who’s ever dreamed of … Read the rest
Dreamers dream. And here’s something that’s cool. You don’t have to be an author, painter, philosopher, or songwriter to be a dreamer. Plumbers, carpenters, and electricians can all be dreamers. So can doctors, lawyers, and even (gulp) politicians (although most … Read the rest
If you have a weary head, it can easily mean at least a couple of things. First, it might mean you’re just plain ol’ tired. And you could probably use a good night’s sleep. Or at least a nap. Second, … Read the rest
Have you ever sat down to write something and couldn’t figure out what to say? I have a theory about that. I believe it’s your subconscious desire to speak to God. Even if you don’t believe He exists. Because, even … Read the rest
Before I get into what a mess you are, let me first say Happy Super Tuesday. I have no clue what that means. But apparently there’s some holiday being celebrated, and that’s what they call it. Now, where was I? … Read the rest
I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But I know you’re tough. You can handle the truth. And I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to sugarcoat the facts just to save you a little bit of anxiety. So, … Read the rest
Once upon a time, and “for billions of years, single-celled creatures had the planet to themselves, floating through the oceans in solitary bliss. Some microorganisms attempted multicellular arrangements, forming small sheets or filaments of cells. But these ventures hit dead … Read the rest
It’s sadly humorous. The way so many fall into (actually they leap into) a trend under the guise of edginess and non-conformity. For example, a website based on what they call edgy discord. But there are almost a half million … Read the rest
A few years ago, I wrote about how challenging life can be these days. And I talked about how it leads to so much frustration. So much hurt and hopelessness. Not to mention all the terrible things humans do to … Read the rest
As I write this, it was just a few days ago there was a Full Snow Moon. As much as I love moonlight, I didn’t stay up to see it, watch it, or log it in my memories in any … Read the rest
So. There’s this little protoplanet named “Vesta.” And, as it churns out, little Vesta might have some clues as to how life on Earth might have formed? Yeah, scientists discovered some areas of impact on the “minor planet” that seem … Read the rest
Climate changes. It’s always done that. And it always will. Well, until that final climate climax when the whole Earth is consumed in a ball of fire. But not to worry. That probably won’t happen for at least another 1007 … Read the rest
I’m not sure who needs to read or hear this. Hopefully it’s not you. But consider these questions. Are you at the bottom rung of life’s ladder? Or are you on the mountaintop of momentum? Either way, it’s important to … Read the rest
I mentioned this speck of dust over ten years ago. And I joked about the mutants who formed, completely on their own, once some molten goo cooled down enough. Well, I won’t just keep talking about what I talked about … Read the rest
So-called “enlightened scientists.” And so-called “moderns.” And I certainly wouldn’t use those labels for the so-called “Light People.” But they certainly like to use those kinds of labels for themselves. Light People say the darndest things. For example what the … Read the rest
Who wants to listen to (much less, sing) a bunch of old songs with a bunch of thee’s, thy’s, and thou’s? I mean, not only is that stuff not cool, it just sounds weird. Yeah, the old hymns lyrics say … Read the rest
One day, way back when, as I sat in my college dormitory room in Manhattan, Kansas, I looked out the window and saw feathery, floating flakes of snow. An early Autumn snowfall had just started. So, I knew it wouldn’t … Read the rest
It has been a wonderful day. Elgielene and I started this marriage journey 34 years ago, today. And we were able to enjoy some simple things we love in some new places. Plus, it was particularly special because it’s Friday. … Read the rest
I can’t quite see myself writing them. But the memory of how it happened is crystal and clear. When I was almost 20 years old, I wrote a song called “Sparkling Salvation.” It wasn’t a great song. But the melody … Read the rest