I watched Brian Regan, one of the truly best comedians ever, do a bit about comparing anything you do to one of the astronauts who walked on the moon. It’s hilarious. When you get a chance, just do a search … Read the rest
I can predict people will still be living on Earth a thousand years from now. And that prediction includes their ability to drink water, eat real food, and breathe fresh air. Yep, that’s right. I can predict the future. But, … Read the rest
The idea of this post popped into my head during and after a three-mile walk through our neighborhood this morning. Because the many shades of green, the multitude of flowers, and all the birds, bunnies, and squirrels flitting and scattering … Read the rest
He’s talked with dead people, personally. He’s talked about dead people as though they were still alive. And he consistently serves up word hash like it’s going out of style or something. You know him. You loathe him. Of course … Read the rest
I shared a picture, on social media, early this morning. It’s a picture I took of a small, yellow flower among weeds, as Elgielene and I passed by it on our three mile walk yesterday. And I added this comment: … Read the rest
There’s always tomorrow. Which is weird. Because tomorrow never comes. In the big picture, those two sentences aren’t mutually exclusive. So, “ride the wind” when it’s windy. Drink up when it rains. Sunbathe when others complain of the heat. Your … Read the rest
I saw a silly question this morning. And I’m sure you’ve seen one like it at least once or twice. It said, “‘Mass Extinction: What Happened 65 Million Years Ago?” Of course, the correct answer is “Nothing.” Well, another correct … Read the rest
He built a small log cabin on the bank of a small creek, in Kansas, in the early 1830s. Then, the U.S. government built some other lodges in the area. And one of those lodges was for Tonganoxie. But who … Read the rest
When I was a kid, I’d almost always be the first one to get up. And I’d sneak into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal. Not every day was a cereal day. Because moms knew growing kids … Read the rest
Most of us humans go on our merry way, every day. And most of us never give a second thought to what happens next. But I don’t mean in the next minute or hour. And not even the next day, … Read the rest
Hey, hey, it’s May and May Day. So, what do you say? I say hey! Let’s talk about the May birthstone. And in case you didn’t already know, it’s the beautiful emerald. Emerald for a May birthstone makes sense when … Read the rest
Being a parent, especially one with a baby or young child, can be isolating. That was a headline that caught my eye this morning. And maybe it’s just me (I doubt it), but that kind of parent seems like the … Read the rest
Slim and None. Those are the probable answers to the question. But, naturally, that begs the question. And at least one version of the question would be, “What are the odds that everything happens for a reason?” And I’d say … Read the rest
I saw a headline that I had to check out. It said: A prominent doctor asks Democrats: “If abortion is healthcare, my question is: what disease are you treating?” And I say Kudos to the good doctor for the “what … Read the rest
Information inside your cells determined whether you’d have brown or blue or green eyes. And it determined whether you’d have black or brown or blonde hair. AND whether you’d be a boy or a girl (Those are the only choices, … Read the rest
The end of April is fast approaching. So, get read for all those May flowers. Of course, that leads to Mother’s Day and then Memorial Day and backyard barbecues. All that wonderful evidence of Spring can help you forget that … Read the rest
If it’s Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, just ignore this message. Because this is specially designed to help you focus on your Wednesday blessings. I won’t be responsible for results you get by attempting to use it on … Read the rest
I get it. You’ve heard it all before. Right? And if you have to listen to one more person spout off about how “God so loved the world blah, blah, blah, you’ll scream. But here’s the thing. Truth is always … Read the rest
Here in America, we still enjoy a certain amount of “free speech.” During the 20th century this country participated in two world wars. And many men and women fought and died to get rid of evil dictators and despicable governments. … Read the rest
It all started 90 years ago, today. On April 19, 1934. Before I say more about that, let me say this. Every human being past, present, or future will experience these same three things: Life Love Loss. Obviously if you … Read the rest
Where do you stand when it comes to living your best life? For me, it’s an easy answer. Because I made a choice, when I was 13, that converted my life into a series of perfect days, weeks, months, and … Read the rest
For a long time I sang for my supper. And breakfast, lunch, and snacks. And I sang for my monthly bills, my gasoline consumption, and even my cool clothes. When you can pay your way as a musician, do you … Read the rest
Whoa! The strawberry alarm clock just went off. And it’s a good thing, too. Because now the song “Incense and Peppermints” is wafting through the air. Psychedelic, man. We gotta get outta this place. If it’s the last thing we … Read the rest
Let’s ask the judges for a definition before we proceed. “1: lack of voluntary control over urination or defecation, AND 2: lack of self-restraint” OK. There you have it. The very definition of why there’s an incontinence choice problem right … Read the rest
Do you envy people when it seems like they have a lot more than you? Well, guess what? No, I won’t make you guess. Actually, they might not have more than you. In fact, they might have much less, and … Read the rest
I just saw an article snippet and a short video about something that hit close to home for me. And the saddest part is how people only recently felt it was safe to tell someone about what they knew. Here’s … Read the rest
Imagine that you could speak words and a planet would appear. Then you speak more words and the sun and moon pop in. Then, a few more words and all the birds, dinosaurs, fishes, horses, dogs, lions, and every other … Read the rest
“Survey says?!” Remember that question on Family Feud? Apparently that show is still on TV. But I haven’t watched it in decades, so I can’t say. But the reason I bring it up is because of the whole “survey says” … Read the rest
My brother and I had a two-week booking in Erie, Pennsylvania. And we had just arrived. We unloaded our music gear and clothes and took them into the hotel. But I left a few boxes and assorted items in the … Read the rest
It didn’t just start this year. Or anytime during the “pandemic.” In fact, Elgielene and I have noticed this, for a long time, during our walks through scores of neighborhoods across the country. Generally speaking, kids don’t play outside now. … Read the rest
I’ve seen some quotes, from professors to poets, who put today’s solar eclipse in its proper perspective. In one way or another they say what’ll happen is you’ll be “standing the shadow of the moon.” Sure, some interesting things can … Read the rest
What gives you goosebumps when you just think about it? Or is there anything that does that? I’ll tell you something that gives me goosebumps like that. And I dreamed about it recently. And I don’t tend to remember dreams … Read the rest
Your whole life here on earth is only the beginning. The fullness of eternity opens up to you, clearly, once you die. That’s the point of no return. Or, as the band, Kansas, said, the Point of Know Return. Anyway… … Read the rest
Imagine, for a second or two, that you and I have the exact same basic needs. Food, water, shelter, clothes, emotional stability. I know it already sounds far-fetched. But hear (read?) me out. Of course, no dark heart will like … Read the rest
You probably already know this. Because my readers and listeners are a bunch of smarty pants. But I’m gonna share it for the others who accidentally stumble into my Rhyme and Reason world. We have an eclipse day coming up … Read the rest
Once upon a time, jellyfish, and trillions of other marine life creatures, were buried alive in layers of sediment. And it happened so fast their bodies didn’t even have time to decompose and smell bad. And thousands of years later … Read the rest