The Christmas hustle was revved up to a full bustle, here in the hometown, this past weekend. And the Funderburks felt it more than usual because we had to pick up some essentials for our business and almost got stuck … Read the rest
Ms Elle and I went for a drive in the Big K outback today. And I noticed something. It appears to be Christmastime. Did you guys realize that holiday slid into our midst again. Crazy, Daisy. Anyway… There’s something about … Read the rest
Too many people thumb their nose at God and say (actually say out loud or say metaphorically) “You are cruel. And I hate you.” I know it’s harsh. But that’s what they say. In one way or another. And that’s … Read the rest
I’m gonna get my usual awesome Christmas present this year. But certainly not because I deserve it. And here’s a list of other people who don’t deserve theirs. People who: Donate to charities don’t go to Heaven Take care of … Read the rest
We’re in the Christmas countdown for 2024. And, as I write this, it’s only 7 more days till the big day. But the Christmas countdown I think about these days, started way back when. And I’m sure I don’t have … Read the rest
I read a short article about human suffering. And it reminded me of some old commercials for the headache product you’ve probably heard of. Bufferin. I remember old commercials from back in the days of black and white TV. Yeah, … Read the rest
It’s already the third December Monday of 2024. And with temps, here in the heart of the heartland, lingering in the 20’s and 30’s at night, naturally my imagination wanders off into island time. What? A December Monday doesn’t affect … Read the rest
Sinless perfection. Man, did I ever miss that mark?! And I’ve got the lines in my face and gray/silver/white hair to prove it. Yep, I’ve lived long enough to see the killing effects of sin. But I’ve also lived long … Read the rest
How do you know when time runs out for you? Pretty easy question to answer. Right? You’ll know when you’ve run out of time when your body takes that left turn back to the soil from whence it came. (side … Read the rest
That wall is a terrible place. And it gets almost NO attention. Oh sure, there are some who talk about it. But they’re usually called haters. And do-gooders. And technical stuff like that. But the media barely give it any … Read the rest
I wrote a song about freedom. And it was a very me biased perspective. You probably can’t or won’t relate to the words at all when you read ’em. The main reason is, well, you’re not me. And that’s a … Read the rest
This is for the kiddos. But if you’re an adult, make sure I’m not misleading them. I know plastic junk toys, made in China, are all the rage. But they don’t hold a homemade candle to do it yourself toys. … Read the rest
King David is a very famous guy. In fact, he’s one of the most famous men in the Bible. And there’s a place in the Bible where he’s described as “skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man … Read the rest
For three years I led the praise and worship music in a church in the Denver, Colorado metro area. And the services were held, every Sunday, in the gym of a Christian school. Elgielene and I got to know the … Read the rest
I’m sure, if I asked, you could tell me at least a few of those famous Mandy lyrics. Right? Because that song was pounded into your brain from all those “Top 40” stations. So, when I share these Mandy lyrics … Read the rest
You might know some bad renters stories. Or you’ve heard some. Right? I could certainly tell you some that come from my time as a handyman. Yikes! It’s awful how awful people can be to someone else’s property. Like the … Read the rest
Elias was a carpenter, a building contractor, and a farmer. He moved his family to Kansas City, Missouri way back in the early 1900’s, and gave up the farming part. In Kansas City he bought a paper route and got … Read the rest
Truth sets you free. It just does. It can also get you in a world of hurt. And even tossed into prison. Yes, even in this day and age. And even right here in the good ol’ U S of … Read the rest
It’s a milestone birthday. And it’s big enough that no one would ever accuse me of being young again. Not that they have for a long time. But it’s a certainty now. But even an “old” milestone birthday is a … Read the rest
We live in a world gone mad. Mad, I tell you! A world where people will say, with a straight face (inverted pun intended) that there are more than only two genders. And some will go so far as to … Read the rest
As I write this, it’s officially the first day of December. The first day of the last month. And I gotta say, so far so good. I hope it’s off on a high step for you. If you’re not sure … Read the rest
If you’re a Christian, you know accidents happen. Right? Especially when Jesus, Himself, said they happen. And, by definition, miracles are rare. So, a baby isn’t a miracle. And things DO happen by chance. Again, Jesus, Himself, said they do. … Read the rest
Remember. And never forget. If there’s anything, in this life you can trust, it’s Hallmark advice. So, if you’ve come up against any issues that you just can’t seem to figure out, you know what to do. Right? Yeah, follow … Read the rest
It’s Thanksgiving Day 2024. And here’s something I shared 12 years before. Still true. It’s a short list of things I’m thankful for this year. And it doesn’t start with politicians. 🙂 This Thanksgiving Day, 2024, I’m thankful for: My … Read the rest
Well, tomorrow (as I write this) is THE thankful Thursday of the year here in America. Aka: Thanksgiving. Now, I think that many think that thankful Thursday isn’t theistic thanks. But maybe I’m just thickheaded about it. And maybe it’s … Read the rest
Several, if not most or all, search engines use something they call “predictive search” as you type in something you wanna find. And it’s actually pretty handy. For example, I started typing “nature is…” and one of the first results … Read the rest
Here we are in the last days of Autumn for 2024. They say history repeats itself. And it occurred to me, this morning, how often that’s so true. 50 years ago I experienced the last days of Autumn just up … Read the rest
Once upon a time, way back in the dark ages, when men and women only knew how to grow food and build their own houses, they used to believe men were men and women were women. Of course, they suffered … Read the rest
So, I took the FunderVan to the car wash today. And, as I often do, when I’m alone in transit, I tuned in to the local classical music station. And I heard violins of hope. No, that’s not the name … Read the rest
Business owners can’t be coasters. At least not if you wanna have any kind of shot at success. Because the only way to coast is downhill. And, last time I checked, that was the opposite direction of success. Business owners … Read the rest
Thursday rhymes are so Thursday-ish. I don’t know why I even bother. Because this fourth day of the so-called “work week” is just a nod to Viking mythology. Thor’s Day. Whatever. But here we are. And I guess I’ll share … Read the rest
It’s larynx. Not lairnix. Or larenix. Or however one would have to misspell that mispronunciation. But we don’t have to get all wrangled up and out of joint about it. We can just call it a voice box. And I … Read the rest
What is your brand here on good ol’ planet Earth? You have one. So, what’s yours? I remember an article I read about business brands. It mentioned how you should seriously consider branding yourself. Because, the article said, if you … Read the rest
You know that Paul was an apostle. Even if you’re not “into” Bible stuff, you’ve heard of him. But you might not think about how tough he was. I mean, this was a guy who was beaten, tossed into prison, … Read the rest
It’s probably juxta-me, but I get a kick out of the word “juxtaposition.” Not for what it means. But for how it jumps out of your mouth when you speak it out loud. It demands to be heard. And you … Read the rest
This message might not be for you at all. Because you might be the picture of perkiness. And you have no concerns at all about your holiday health. Or any other time of the year either. If so, fantastic. Share … Read the rest