A week from today. Yeah, next Monday is the big day. So, don’t waste a minute. Because you’ve got presents to buy. Food to buy. Decorations to buy. And A B C and 1,2,3 to buy. Sure, good things might … Read the rest
An annual Christmas tradition, in the FunderHaus is special movies time. “Christmas in Connecticut” and “White Christmas” and “The Bishop’s Wife” and a few others all lead up to “It’s A Wonderful Life.” And you might recall, in Wonderful Life, … Read the rest
I’ve never enjoyed writing pro life songs. And I wish none existed. OK, I said it. And I’m not taking it back. But I’ll explain why I’m so anti pro life songs. Because I’d much rather write songs about all … Read the rest
I recommend you don’t live a meaningless life. On the surface, that might sound like a job for Captain Obvious. But, sadly, most people who ever lived, are living now, or ever will live, won’t avoid it. About 8 years … Read the rest
It started like this. A made up god, named Woden created the earth and sky from the dead body of a giant named Ymir. Then, he also created the first man and woman from an ash tree and an alder. And … Read the rest
I see it almost every day in so-called “conservative social media.” And I cringe every time I see it. Talk about the so-called “Second Amendment Rights” of every American citizen. I obviously don’t disagree with the right to life and … Read the rest
Pure water is colorless. And odorless. And, just like almost all comedians, movie stars, and politicians, it’s also tasteless. I could have said flavorless, but it’s more fun to make that comparison, and that’s why I didn’t. So, if you … Read the rest
The irony of the so-called social media connection idea is how much more disconnected we are these days. And don’t try to defend your dozens of daily posts as how connected you are. Because that’s a fading facade. Social media … Read the rest
I know it’s not the “in” thing to say. But I don’t believe “everything happens for a reason.” And I don’t believe everything that happens is “part of God’s plan.” Yeah, I know I’m going against the grain on this. … Read the rest
Back in 1996 I built a very nice (if I do say so myself, and I do) dining “hutch.” It’s a two-piece, very large piece of furniture with loads of room for whatever Elgielene prefers to put in it. At … Read the rest
You don’t have to look very long to find mean people. In fact, just say something, on a social media channel, like “There’s only way to live forever,” and watch the meanness flood the threads. But mean people don’t phase … Read the rest
What do these next sentences have in common? 1) Henry was a hippo, and I don’t know if you know this, but hippos are HUGE. 2) Tiny, smooth ripples at the edge of a large, starlit lake; slender fingers of tall … Read the rest
Were is past tense. It’s a seemingly innocent, little verb. But it can contain implications SO intense that eternity is required in order to even begin to understand how intense. As an example, I’m gonna share some words written by … Read the rest
There aren’t any specific verses in the Bible that mention when angels sing. But the idea, or the spirit of the concept of Heavenly choirs of angels, certainly seems completely feasible to me. And based on my own desire to … Read the rest
Well, it’s already the day after Thanksgiving. And you’re gonna see tons of commercials for so-called “Black Friday” deals. But I’m here to tell you the Black Friday notion starting dying out when the e-commerce was born on the good … Read the rest
Here’s a quick, short list of blessings I’m thankful for right now. (in spite of socialist politicians) God gave me life and made a way for me to live forever. My beautiful wife loves me and encourages my artistic endeavors. … Read the rest
My “earthen vessel” challenges me to a duel every day. I’m sure you can relate. Because everybody faces challenges. But the daily duel is OK because it’s not like I’m alone in the wilderness. I’m not without power. Can you … Read the rest
Sustainable aviation fuel. I just read a couple of short articles, from Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, about the “new” approach to help “reduce the carbon footprints” of airline companies. And, as I read, I thought, “How nice. Big … Read the rest
Here’s a short farming quiz. And anyone who misses even one question fails miserably. Not just the quiz. But also at life in general. So, are you ready? Here you go. Farming is necessary: Yes___No___ Farmers help keep you alive: … Read the rest
I’m writing to you from the heart of the nation, now. Our respiratory experiment, on the Gulf coast, is finished. And I know the high level of humidity, there, was not the solution. So, after leaving the arid climate of … Read the rest
Because it helps burn fat. Yeah, that’s it. That’s the reason. Wait. No. It’s because it can help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Yeah, that’s definitely…uh, wait. Nope, it’s because it can help improve energy levels. Aw, who … Read the rest
Unless you’ve got your hands over your eyes and ears you know there’s a lotta trouble in this world. It’s worse than I’ve ever seen it. But there’s been massive trouble on this planet my whole life. And it was … Read the rest
Back in the Bible days kids walked to school. And some of us had morning prayer, over the loudspeaker, before we headed out from homeroom into the different classes. We also said the “pledge of allegiance.” And it was the … Read the rest
Listen closely (or is that crohsry?), grasshopper (or is that glasshopper?). You are now entrusted with carrying on the most honorable tradition of the Myelin Sheath. Just kidding. Bet I had you goin’ there, for a second. Right? So solly. … Read the rest
One of the members said their group name described “people with vague or half-formed intimations and ideas.” And he said it was for “those who dabble in ink” as they talk about their works in progress. Members to this dynamic … Read the rest
I’ve been absent from my writings for a few days. But I have a doctor’s note. So you can’t get mad at me or anything. Seriously. I could show you the info. But I’m sure you don’t need all the … Read the rest
Too bad Neil Young is such a fool when it comes to what’s truly important. Because, over the years, I’ve enjoyed a lot of his music. I remember listening to “Harvest” on my drive back to Texas, after my summer … Read the rest
Back in 2013 (hard to believe that’s already ten years ago) I challenged myself to write rhymes for kids 100 days in a row. And I met that challenge. I received a lot of positive feedback for most of the … Read the rest
Before I share this next thought, I’ll let you know that I realize it’s a perspective I have about me. So, I fully realize it could be completely different from the one you have about me. And it’s most likely … Read the rest
Prepare yourself. Because you’re about to have your soul shaken. At least if you’ve bought into the notion that everything that happens is part of God’s plan. I wish that rumor would’ve never been started. But here’s some other shocking … Read the rest
A sign of status. And a sign of upper echelon social standing. They’re incredibly strong and agile. And they’ve been a great source of transportation for almost as long as there has been any need to travel. Because their endurance … Read the rest
Ok, I’m gonna talk about mosaic art. And I’m not gonna talk about Mosaic law. So, you don’t have to be nervous that I’m gonna somehow tie these two subjects together. But first, what is mosaic art? Well, most art … Read the rest
A guy named John had a revelation. And not your average, everyday, ordinary revelation. This was THE revelation to beat all revelations. And some say it’s all gonna come true. Personally, I believe there’s an extremely good chance they’re right. … Read the rest
Here’s the cold, hard truth. You have no choice. You MUST believe in the God described in the Bible. No other option is available, viable, or reliable. So, give up. And give in. Resistance is futile. Oh wait. That’s The … Read the rest
What has the potential for too much air noise along with serious temperature and humidity problems? You guessed it! Tiny zones. And who hasn’t awaken from a nightmare filled with those? Right? Tiny zones are like pushing 10 pounds of … Read the rest
The article started out with a picture that included this title: “An artist’s illustration traces the long, cosmic path of a fast radio burst that originated in distant galaxies and reached Earth 8 billion years later.” So, right from the … Read the rest