Ok, let’s take Wisdom from the top, on four. And uh one and uh two. What’s the matter? Never hoid o’ da song? Where ya been, Ben. It’s the cat’s pajamas. And the bees knees. So, here we go. Wisdom, … Read the rest
Back when I used to perform, nightly, in an island-themed restaurant, one crowd favorite was a song by Jimmy Buffett. The lyrics talked about volcanoes erupting and what would happen when they do. Words like, “Ground she’s movin’ under me. … Read the rest
This will be the third year I’ve shared the Doris story. And it probably won’t mean anything to anyone who didn’t know her. But to those who knew her, were related to her, and even worked with her, it might … Read the rest
They build them tall. Because they don’t want you to see what’s going on behind there. And they don’t want anyone who cares about what’s going behind there to be able to make eye contact or interfere. And there are … Read the rest
I remember Ted Kennedy’s shaky voice, during a eulogy for his brother Robert, as he quoted George Bernard Shaw who said, “Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why … Read the rest
There have been countless times when all it took to open a gate of rhyming reason in my head was a picture of one single object. And that happened a lot, last year, after I stumbled upon a seemingly endless … Read the rest
So, there was this friend of mine who always said some pretty radical stuff. Like “abhor what is evil.” Well, I looked up the word “abhor.” And do you know what it means? Basically to hate something with all your … Read the rest
They can be gifts from God. And they can certainly just be the result of random thoughts your brain interprets and visualizes randomly. But how do you know which is which? Well, it takes more than a feeling to know … Read the rest
I shared some stuff a few years ago that bears repeating. Because even though government schools dumb down all who attend, teach in, and run those institutions, humans still have complex capabilities other creatures don’t have. My wife and I … Read the rest
As an adjective, a dictionary defines it: deep purplish-red or sanguinary. And then a check on the word “sanguinary” shows this definition: full of or characterized by bloodshed; bloody – ready or eager to shed blood; bloodthirsty. Yikes! So, I … Read the rest
A train can’t make turns at the next intersection the way your car or pickup can. They have to follow the tracks. But even trains can go just about anywhere. Because there isn’t just one set of tracks. But they … Read the rest
Where do vitamins originally come from? And where does nutrition start? Food. I’ve never been able to kick the habit of eating every day. And I don’t want to. Food good. No food, bad. I’ll be the first (or second) … Read the rest
Hey fathead. Yeah, YOU! Don’t get mad. I’m just tellin’ it like it is. Because essentially you’re a fathead. For that matter, so am I. So, were in this together. Of course, I’m talking about that think zone inside your … Read the rest
I think about what she said, more often, these days. I’m talkin’ about what my Grandmother said, as I sat on her front porch snapping green beans with her. It was during a couple of years when my brother and … Read the rest
They say (whoever “they” are) that a picture is worth a thousand words. But, on the other hand, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So, I guess it’s up to me to connect the words … Read the rest
Your eternal fate all comes down to your answer to one question. Who do you believe in? Do you believe in yourself? Or buddha, confucius, or the universe? There’s a mountain of evidence against them being good choices. Of course, … Read the rest
I guess it’s not for everyone. In fact, amazingly enough, most people don’t want it and don’t even wanna talk about it. But the promise of living forever sounds mighty appealing to me. I can barely imagine not having that … Read the rest
The second best gift God created inside me is music. It’s been a constant companion. Even through the years when I had no human constant companion. It’s been a reminder that I’m “wonderfully made.” Music brings me internal and inexplicable … Read the rest
An adult Christian man was a stupid boy on a social media channel early this morning. Because he wrote something stupid. And he writes a lot of things like this morning’s little jab. And I don’t why he’d say and … Read the rest
What does it take to see the color of music? Well, take an old boom box, some music, paints, and an ultra slow motion camera, and you’ve got the ingredients for razzle dazzle. Check out this video: Here’s the link … Read the rest
OK, let’s say it’s Good Deeds Day. And let’s say you’ve been a good deeds do-er. Now, what would you like as your reward? And who would you like to present that reward to you? Or would you prefer that … Read the rest
So, I found a website about an organization called “Faith in Action.” And I don’t think those words mean what the people in that organization think they mean. Unless, of course, their faith in action is in themselves. I haven’t … Read the rest
In 2009 I wrote AND produced 10 lullaby songs in 10 days. Those songs became my first collection of lullaby songs for kids called “Lullabye Bye.” And one of those songs was called “Blue Celtic Cloud.” And when I shared … Read the rest
I’m gonna share something that’s really out there. And I mean this is extremely radical info. So put on your flack jacket, crash helmet, and seat belt. It’s gonna be a short, but bumpy ride. Last warning. Are you dressed … Read the rest
This is the third day, in three years, that she’s not here. And she’s not coming back. And I certainly don’t blame her. Because why would she even want to? OK, I’ll clear up the third day reference. And instead … Read the rest
I can hardly believe it’s already been almost 4 years. But the calendar doesn’t lie. And the metadata in the documents I saved doesn’t either. Yeah, almost 4 years since I produced rough cuts to several new songs. And I … Read the rest
They’re not scary when you use even a little of the wisdom and discernment your Creator is willing to give you. I’m talking about health headlines. But if you read them without wisdom and discernment, as if they’re actually full-blown … Read the rest
In 2011 I started producing the songs for my second collection of original lullabies for kids. (psst…adults love ’em, too) Many people, who bought the first collection, Lullabye Bye, asked me to write some more with a country and western … Read the rest
You’re more than matter. And you matter because of that. Not because of the color of your skin. Not because of how much money you have or where you were born. And not because you’re the most perfect specimen ever … Read the rest
If you own or run a business or service, there are a couple of things you need that you won’t find at the office or home improvements stores. Truth and Grace. Yeah, those two ingredients are more important than that … Read the rest
OK, brace yourself. It’s gonna get serious mighty quick here. Starting with this question. How can you reconcile a loving God with all the pain in the world? People who want nothing to do with God ask questions like that … Read the rest
So, you’re sitting there trying to figure out what you can do for the 364 more days till Christmas. Right? Yeah, it’s all over but the leftovers now. Christmas came and went, as it has for years. Fast. And. Furious. … Read the rest
I can understand why someone might be sad and lonely during this “most wonderful time of the year.” But I believe those are the people who don’t understand what the celebration of Christmas is about. And it’s no wonder so … Read the rest
The older I get, the more I realize how “slower than Christmas” is one of those old expressions based on a kid’s perspective. Because, for me, it feels like just a few weeks ago it was Christmas 2022. And here … Read the rest
Over the years I’ve observed kids and their love for whimsy. So, I write whimsical rhymes. Fun, funny rhymes. Full of imagination. And filled with color, action, and rhythm. I want word pictures to leap into those growing little minds. … Read the rest
OK, the Christmas spirit ghost just flew past. And he haunted me, with that reverberating laugh of his, as he regurgitated his annual rebuke of my Christmas joy. “Bah! Funderbug!” Sure, he’s a Christmas spirit ghost. But that’s just mean. … Read the rest