It probably wasn’t on your radar. Nope. You probably weren’t wondering about my process for stringing words together to create the rhymes and reasons I share with you. So, when I say I started a 3-verse rhyme with the phrase “nothing more to say,” you roll your eyes. Or yawn. Or both.
But this morning I wondered, “What if there was nothing more to say?”
So, I did what I usually do when I wonder. I wrote it down. Typed it, to be completely accurate. Because I type 99% of what I write these days. And that’s because the vast majority of what I write has to end up on a digital page when it’s all said and done. So, why physically write it down when I’ll just have to type it down?
Let’s get back off that little rabbit trail.
Sometimes all I have to do to get started, on my blank page/screen, is write down that certain phrase or word. Then, it’s kinda like seeing it pulls the trigger to that rhyming section of my brain. Suddenly other words pop in to form the first thoughts. And then I can make sense of what the first line should be.
Once I have the first line, the second tends to slide in pretty quickly. And after a couple of lines I start to see where I need to go with the rhymes.
Yeah, that’s what happened in the wee hours this morning. And since this morning is a Sunday morning, it only seems reasonable that this rhyme for the day would point to the one, true, living, loving God. The One who spoke things into existence and created the seven days the whole world understands. So, here you go…
Nothing More To Say
As for yesterday, there’s nothing more to say,
Except what I will say, today.
I know there’s no way to change one yesterday,
So, I’m glad that I know The Way.
The Truth, The Life, in me, the One who made me free,
Has made sure I can see that He
Put eternity inside the heart of me,
And so I’ll be, eternally.
Glad for what’s ahead, because of what I’ve read
In God’s book where He clearly said
His son bore and bled and came back from the dead.
So hope replaces dread ahead. © 2024
Just so you know, I’ve got lots more to say. And as long as I remain on planet Earth, with the ability to type, or even speak, words onto a digital page, I’ll share why the world needs Jesus.
If you haven’t already, jump on the The FunderFlash. And join the growing band of believers who enjoy my books, daily rhymes, songs, and videos about the Rhyme and Reason and power of God’s love.
Stay tuned…