Elgielene will back me up on this (and she’ll probably add how annoying it can be). But there are almost always notes and beats going on in my brain. And the annoying part (for others who can’t hear them) is how they manifest through my finger tips.
Yeah, I tap out the notes and beats with my fingers.
Virtually ALL the time. Well, during my awake hours anyway.
In fact, even as I type out my articles, or other writing for clients, the keyboard tapping noises often trigger the notes and beats. I think it’s cool, how the rhythm of typing can actually feel quantized sometimes. At least when I’m in a solid typing groove. And, to be clear, that’s not always. Thankfully. But it DOES happen.
I have no way of proving it, but I think my mom must have listened to a lot of music when I was still in the womb. Because, for as far back as I can remember, I’ve had a knack for, and connection to, beats and music.
And I read an article about babies in the womb that supports me on this. It said…
“While a pregnant woman listens to music, the unborn baby will be able to hear the vibrations and respond to the same. This may help improve a baby’s reflexes and play a role in overall movement. It is possible that while you listen to music during pregnancy, the baby may not understand it at this stage. However, they try to concentrate on sounds, and doing so, helps them improve their mental stimulation.”
And I’ve heard stories of moms who said they could tap on their bellies and then feel their babies respond. Makes total sense that the Creator of music and rhythm (and babies) would make sure there’d be a healthy benefit to it all.
Many of the songs I write have notes next to the lyrics.
And those notes (words, not music) tell me much more than you’d get just from reading them. Because I “see” the end resuIt I want the music to be, when I see my notes. I won’t go into how that happens. But I’m confident it has a lot to do with the fact that I’m not the product of a randomized series of events. I’m a designed person.
And I was a designed person from the very instant I was conceived. That’s why I know…
Outside the lines the grass is greener. (B♭ F E♭ F B♭)
But that will not change my demeanor.
Because my life runs like a river.
I’ll take what all my days deliver.
(from my song: “I Can Do”)
I hope the notes and beats in your life, today, pound out a positive rhythm and light up your smile.
Stay tuned,
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