I crunched my thumb in the door of our van this morning. And that’s how my day started. But my day is blessed.
And I can always say my day is blessed.
No matter what happens. And no matter how often it happens. Or doesn’t happen. Because each day of life is a blessing I didn’t do one thing to earn. My existence is not my own doing. Or the “doing” of a random chain of events.
My existence is the direct result of the God who loves me so much that He made a way for me to be and live here. Then, He made a way for me to be and live forever. And, as a result, I can be the dreamer and doer that I am. Yeah, my day is blessed. Every day.
Now, maybe you’ve heard the expression, “It’s OK to have your castles in the air. Just build a foundation to hold them up.” It’s excellent advice.
But my point today is this. If you see yourself in a negative light instead of as a dreamer, Become a dreamer. Count your blessings. If you live in America, you most likely have many to count even if you don’t think you do. Your needs are probably met. Keep in mind, wants aren’t the same as needs. And dreamers realize their needs are met.
So, they dream up ways to help others see that, too.
Now, I’ve shown you how my day is blessed. Be a dreamer and go show others how yours is.
There’s a special place for dreamers
Who believe in love and hope.
You can go there and enjoy it,
If you don’t just sit and mope.
If today you’re feeling sorry
For yourself, well stop and think…
Do you have food on your table?
Do you have water to drink?
So when things just don’t seem happy
And no sunshine lights your face…
Dream your dream and make a difference
With some love and hope and Grace.
© 2014
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