Have you been getting my music podcasts?
Don’t let the word “podcast” scare you off. You don’t have to go inside any sort of alien enclosure or a new sort of outdoors store to get ’em. Podcasts are just easy ways to get media content delivered right to your computer or media player automatically.
And that describes my music podcasts for the past few weeks.
Simple blog posts with free songs embedded right in the content. How cool is that?! Well, pretty darn cool if you like free songs…and especially if you like my songs at that same low price of free.
I’ve been sharing some oldies-but-goodies, some fairly recent tunes, and even some of my contemporary Christian music I haven’t released anywhere else. So…it might be worth your while to subscribe to my daily emails. Or tune into my FunderCast.
See how easy I’ve made it for you?
You know why? Because I care enough about you to make sure you get the most bang for your buck anytime you’re hangin’ out with me online. That’s why I’ve made sure to put music podcasts, story time podcasts, and lots more all through my website.
Now don’t forget to share with all your friends and family. That way I can keep on writing more books, making more music, and drawing more pics.
Your support means the world to me, and I hope my words, music, and pictures bless you in some way on a regular basis. Write to me and let me know if they do.
Stay tuned,
No-cost, low-cost, and premium ways you can show your support…
Tell everybody you know to subscribe to The FunderFlash Journal
(emails with good stuff for Fa-Ree)
Get my Rhyme & Reason Podcast delivered right to your device. (also Fa-Ree)
Get digital Bible stuff from the same company I do.
My books are also on Amazon.com or Apple Books
Grab yourself an un-cool T-shirt
Or how about some music for believers, dreamers, and thinkers