Music and the Brain
Recently I noticed my demeanor wasn’t as cheerful and uplifting as it typically is. And I didn’t like that because it feels good to feel good. You know what I’m talking about, right? You can sense something’s not right, but at first you don’t quite know what it is. Well, not one to mope, I pondered what was different. And “Eureka!” I figured out how much less music I was absorbing. And I know, from experience, music and the brain are a healthy combination.
Music and the brain are like body and the gym.
There’s certainly no shortage of audio, video, and websites talking to you about how important it is to stay physically fit. But guess what’s way more important than your body…yeah, your mind. If your mind ain’t sharp, your six-pack abs ain’t gonna do you all that much good. And the good news is, you can help keep your mind (and soul) sharper by listening to and/or playing music. How cool is that?!
Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have been trying to understand how music can have such healthy mental benefits. And they’ve discovered that “music is structural, mathematical, and architectural.” Even better than that, they discovered how music is “based on relationships between one note and the next.” That makes total sense, when you consider how human beings were designed to have relationships. And healthy relationships are good for you.
I’ve written and talked about the power of music before. But I haven’t been following my own advice in the past few months. That’s gonna change. Starting this last week…I added new gear to my recording studio, and I added new software to my computer. But more importantly, I started listening to music with renewed love again. I decided, instead of just writing words about it, I would sing. Listen. Revive.
Guess what? It’s working. Just putting the hands on my music keyboard more, and a little less on my typing keyboard, has already rejuvenated my mind.
The connection between music and the brain is undeniable.
So, my recommendation to you today is to worry less about “what’s in your wallet” and consider what’s in your head. Play some music you don’t normally play and discover how those little relational notes lift you up. I’m gonna go take my own advice right now and play some tunes. What’s your favorite brain-boosting song?
Jump on the one-of-a-kind The FunderFlash
Stay tuned,