What’s with music and feelings?
Yeah, the unseen connection between music and feelings. And I’ve mentioned, before, how music can trigger dopamine production. And that’s how your body helps you relieve stress. Pretty cool, right? But it’s also pretty complex. So, how and why did human bodies evolve this dopamine producing, stress relieving ability?
(buzzer) Your body didn’t evolve the ability to connect music and feelings.
It was a trick question. Sorry all you monkeyman maniacs.
And I know you can manage to manipulate evolutionary data to accommodate your disdain for God. But your data don’t add up. And even if you add billions more years to your evolution timeline, you still won’t account for the complexity of just an eyeball. Forget about the rest of the human design.
But I care about you. Probably more than you care about yourself. So, I’m always gonna share the only message of hope and love which can lead to faith that leads to living forever. And if you’re like most of the people in the world, you’re gonna hate me for it.
I’d prefer you didn’t hate me. But I also know it comes with the territory. And I also know hatred aimed at me is also aimed at the One who created me. And He isn’t gonna let that ride forever.
So, I hope and pray you know who you are
And where you’re going one day.
Because like a flash your life, here, will end
And you’ll be going away.
It’s so sad to think you’d give up your soul
Because you choose to deny
The One who proves evolution is false.
Please re-examine that lie.
Stay tuned,
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Grab yourself a cool tee
Or how about some music for kids