I first shared this ten years ago. But it’s evergreen content (as they say in the online marketing world). So, this is just as true for Mother’s Day 2023 as it has been for every Mother’s Day.
Elgielene and I no longer have moms, here on Earth, to send greetings to or to talk with on this day. But we wish all of you moms a very happy Mother’s Day. For 2023 and many more to come.
This is for all of you ladies who “took one for the team” as you…
withstood the months of pregnancy
withstood the pains of childbirth
fed your babies when they cried at 3 a.m.
fixed “boo boos”
kissed away pain
hugged away frowns
cooked breakfasts, made lunches, and prepared dinners
washed clothes even after laundry was all done
taught truth, hope, and love…and readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmetic
fought tangled hair, torn pants, and missing shoestrings
remembered birthdays with just the right proportion of chocolate icing to vanilla ice cream
listened to stories of triumph, tragedy, and utter despair (mostly from teenage girls)
made or bought costumes for every goofy event imaginable
went to plays, sporting events, and music presentations…cheering for that one child who was obviously the natural born talent
brought the “something borrowed” or “something blue” to the bride-to-be just at the right time
danced the mother/son dance with the groom who had been her dragonslayer only “weeks ago” it seems
made special homemade desserts for the kids and grandkids when they came over for Thanksgiving
brought an elegant grace to the process of aging
made us believe there’s a forever, a God who loves us, and a knowledge that we’ll have eternity in paradise
Stay tuned,
Share this link with everybody you know, so they can jump on the The FunderFlash (My regular emails about the essentials of life, AND some music and other good stuff, for Fa-Ree)