To all of you ladies who “took one for the team” as you…
- Withstood the months of pregnancy
- Withstood the pains of childbirth
- Fed your babies when they cried at 3 a.m.
- Fixed “boo boos”
- Kissed away pain
- Hugged away frowns
- Cooked breakfasts, made lunches, and prepared dinners
- Washed clothes even after laundry was all done
- Taught truth, hope, and love…and readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmetic
- Fought tangled hair, torn pants, and missing shoestrings
- Remembered birthdays with just the right proportion of chocolate icing to vanilla ice cream
- Listened to stories of triumph, tragedy, and utter despair (mostly from teenage girls)
- Made or bought costumes for every goofy event imaginable
- Went to plays, sporting events, and music presentations…cheering for that one child who was obviously the natural born talent
- Brought the “something borrowed” or “something blue” to the bride-to-be just at the right time
- Danced the mother/son dance with the groom who had been her dragonslayer only “weeks ago” it seems
- Made special homemade desserts for the kids and grandkids when they came over for Thanksgiving
- Brought an elegant grace to the process of aging
- Made us believe there’s a forever, a God who loves us, and a knowledge that we’ll have eternity in paradise
Stay tuned,