Do I sit around conjuring up rhymes and riddles and razzamatazz? Maybe…maybe not. Truth be told, I’m not always sitting when ideas for my writing for kids pop into my head.
In fact, I was in my back yard watering the lawn today when a few lines came to me. It was just some thoughts I had about the future. Since I don’t believe the future is set in stone, I thought about how we take things for granted that might not always be taken for granted. Typical things like whether or not the sun will come up tomorrow. You know, there’s really no guarantee that everything will be the way it’s always been.
But that’s no reason to be upset or afraid. It just means we need to get as much learning and understanding as we can. And I’m a firm believer in understanding one another is the key to treating each other better. And treating each other better has a lot more to do with “maybe” than “maybe not”.
Maybe, Maybe Not
Will the sun rise in the morning?
Will the temperature be hot?
Will the sky be blue and sunny?
Well, maybe…maybe not.
Will the songbirds all be singing?
Will the breezes blow a lot?
Will the leaves lift up their laughter?
Well, maybe…maybe not.
Will some words of wisdom visit?
Will the books all have a plot?
Will we read some happy stories?
Well, maybe…maybe not.
Will the world go on forever?
Will the getting all be got?
Will we all be nice to others?
Well, maybe…maybe not.
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