So, as I write this, there’s only one more week of March winds. Because there’s only one more week of March 2025. And as much as they’ve been blowing around here in the heart of the heartland, there oughta be plenty of April showers.
What do March winds have to do with April showers?
You didn’t seriously just ask that question, did you? Because, if you did, it means you don’t know the time-tested and true poems about March winds. There used to be one we read in schools that said:
March winds bring April showers.
April showers bring May flowers.
And then that poem went on to describe the rest of the year by what happened in months and seasons.
A few years ago I wrote a few rhyming lines about what young people can do in the Springtime. But I need to warn you. These are things you shouldn’t do if March winds turn you into a dreary person. Or a person who prefers being bored, gripey, or mean. Nope, if any of those sound like you, just skip this rhyme. Because it’s gonna be stuff that’s WAY too hard for you to do.
So, don’t even read the next few lines:
Go skateboard when the sun shines…
Can’t be bored when the sun shines…
Shoot some hoops when the sun shines…
Ride some loops when the sun shines…
Hike a trail when the sun shines…
Go set sail when the sun shines…
Show your style when the sun shines…
Find your smile when the sun shines.
OK, if you DID read those lines, then you must be the kind of person who knows that life and springtime are signs that God loves you. And, in that case, I’m happy you read my rhyme. And I look forward to next time.
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