In 1977 I bought a cassette and an album of the same music from the same musician. It was the “Celebrate Me Home” collection by Kenny Loggins. It was (and is) an exceptional project. And it helped springboard me even closer to making melodies and singing for a living. If you’ve never listened to that album, do yourself a favor and check it out. Unless you prefer the stuff trying to pass itself off as music these days.
And speaking of making melodies…
One of the songs on the “Celebrate Me Home” album is called “I’ve Got The Melody (deep in my heart) Kenny sang it with Patti Austin who was very popular at the time. Here are the lyrics to the chorus…
‘Cause I’ve got the melody deep in my heart
I could sing it alone, but I’d rather not
You’ve got the harmony deep in your soul
If we sing it together, our love will hold
I don’t think Kenny knows how that melody got in his heart. And I don’t think he knows what he should do with that wonderful gift. Because if he did, I’m sure his music wouldn’t have been nearly as successful for him. And not because it wouldn’t have been just as great. But because he would have taken a less popular path.
A much better path. But definitely less popular.
Here’s what I mean.
The apostle, Paul (the guy, in the Bible, who wrote to the Gentiles), gave some clear instructions on what to do with the melodies in your heart. For example, here’s what he said in his letter to the Ephesians…
“…be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.”
Paul said something similar to Christians in Colossi. And I’ve talked about that before. But the point is, music is a gift from God. And if you call yourself a musician (I do), then you should follow Paul’s instructions when you’re making melodies.
And if you consider yourself a listener and not a composer, please support musicians who do that. It doesn’t have to be me, although I won’t stop you if you do. Just make sure you spend money on music makers who love our Creator.
That simple and small action you take could have eternal consequences. And that being said, I still recommend you check out Kenny Loggins first solo album.
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