Love and logic – like oil and water?
OK, here’s the million dollar question. What’s the number one thing love and logic have in common? (cue the Jeopardy music) No, it’s not that they both start with L. I said “number one thing.” Any other guesses? Alright Timmy, now you’re just being a smart-aleck. It’s not because they both start with LO either. OK, I’ll tell you…
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Love and logic are both immaterial.
Oops. That might be confusing. Because some might think I’m trying to say they don’t mean anything. But that would be the “first” definition of the word, immaterial. The second definition means they’re both spiritual rather than physical. Or if the word, spiritual, bothers you, then let’s say they’re both intangible.
In other words…they ain’t touchable.
But nothing, in your life, touches you more than love. And nothing makes more sense than logic (aka “reason”, the second part of my ongoing theme here on
So, since love and logic can’t be detected by any of your five senses, what good are they for survival? Well, first, I dare you to try to survive without them. And second, mere survival pales in comparison to the possibility of thriving…and even thriving forever.
“But what if I don’t believe in forever, Tony?”
Hmm…that’s not logical. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Well, there’s nothing in this world that can force you to believe in forever. But, even if you don’t believe in that, and even if you don’t believe in God, wouldn’t it be cool if you could live forever? Surely you can admit the idea of living forever in paradise is appealing. Right?
I mean, just imagine it for a little bit. Every day you could live out your abilities and dreams. And you’d know you’re not gonna reach an end to your life one day. So, you wouldn’t have to worry about getting old. No aging, aching joints, diminished eyesight and hearing, dental problems, fallen arches, etc. etc. etc.
Most importantly…no more death and dying.
Here’s the thing. You know love exists. And you know logic does too. But hopefully you also know they couldn’t have evolved. It’s sensible to say logic created matter. But it makes no sense to say the reverse could happen.
And how would love have benefited the earliest evolving creatures? Basic survival doesn’t require it.
So, here’s what makes sense. Human life has love and logic (Rhyme and Reason) because a loving and reasonable Creator designed it this way. But He also knew that for love to be real it has to be freely given. So, He created us with our own will.
You and I aren’t born without the ability to hate. That should be painfully obvious. Hatred is ubiquitous in this world. We can choose to hate…or love.
And the most logical choice is love.
Because it comes from the One, above,
But you do have a will and a choice,
And I know one day I will rejoice
If I see you there in that glorified air
Where material things don’t compare.
Stay tuned,
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