Well, it’s that holiest month of the year. Yep, October is here. And the “hallowed evening” fast approaches. Some parts of it are funny. But Halloween (Neewollah, as its known in Independence, Kansas) sure brings out the people who love to live in the dark.
And when I say “live in the dark,” I mean it mostly literally.
Here in the shadow of Pike’s Peak, we have an inordinate amount of what I call street zombies. People who oftentimes resemble the walking dead. And more and more they’re seen walking the alleys and even front and back yards of regular citizens. Caught on security cameras. And Ring doorbell cameras.
This time of year, unfortunately, they just sort of blend in with the dark mentality that appears to be growing, exponentially, all around.
But it’s actually not surprising. Because America, generally speaking, is in a downward spiral. Turning its back on God. And, in the process, it has lost its blessed status.
A huge number of people (translate: “most”) would rather live in the dark and be their own kings (and queens) than show humility to the one, true King. And when you prefer the darkness over God’s light…
You Just Don’t Get It
You want to live the way you want to live
And you want to be your own king
You think you’re wise enough to rule your world
And handle everything
But how much happiness is in your life
How many friends do you know
Who would give up their lives to give you yours
Do you think any would show
Well you idolize with your idle eyes
Your body wants what it wants, and you let it
You identify what you deify
You’ll see the kingdom, but you just don’t get it
You can’t submit to any higher will
You’d rather live in the dark
Well, you can have exactly what you say
Look where you’re making your mark
Don’t you think you should think about it
Do you know all there is to know
There’s a choice; you can’t live without it
You can be sure where you’re gonna go…
inst…chorus…repeat to end
© 1997 Tony Funderburk
(You can hear this song, when you subscribe to the FunderCast)
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