So-called “enlightened scientists.” And so-called “moderns.” And I certainly wouldn’t use those labels for the so-called “Light People.” But they certainly like to use those kinds of labels for themselves.
Light People say the darndest things.
For example what the so-called “Light People historians” said on Ancient History Encyclopedia:
“Aside from being more accurate, BCE/CE is inclusive. The use of BC/AD relegates every event prior to, and since, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth subordinate to the Christian understanding of who he was. For Christians, Jesus is the Christ, the anointed of God, the Messiah. And the calendar “counts down” to the birth of Jesus and then proceeds to count away from it. To a Christian, this may seem like simple common sense and the way the world works. But not so to someone outside of that tradition. People of different cultures and belief systems should be able to access and discuss history without having to date it according to the Christian belief in Jesus as the son of God and the Messiah.”
In case you’re not familiar, BCE stands for before common existence. CE stands for common existence.
Slightly side note: it’s interesting they call themselves “light people” since it’s Christians who are called to be salt and light. But I’m probably making a lamp stand out of a candle. So, don’t mind me.
Read that paragraph from the “historians” and you’ll see (again) how their so-called “inclusive” tends to shy away from including the Christian perspective. Oh sure, they’re not mean about it. But I suppose when you shy away from your Creator, that sort of action just naturally follows.
This all came up on my radar after reading an article about nothing.
Well, to be clear, the article was about zero. And why it’s important. I found this paragraph particularly interesting because of its reference to nothing.
“To answer this I think we need to investigate the idea of the zero. It turns out that zero matters a hundred percent. The place you start counting from counts. The zero divides and marks edges. It offers a mystery, and the mystery invites meaning. Zero denotes a threshold. A timeline without a zero is all how and no why. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s look at the zero in history and see if this can make more sense.
The ancient Greek philosophers, most of them anyway, did not invest much in the concept of zero. They didn’t really have a zero because they couldn’t make sense of the notion that nothing is something. The idea did not captivate the ancient rationalists. But other cultures did use the zero.”
Now, call me a nitpicker, if you must, but I also can’t agree with, nor “make sense of the notion that nothing is something. ” I understand what the writer’s intent was. But it’s kinda silly to say nothing is something. Because there’s no such thing as nothing. Maybe conceptually, for the sake of argument. But I prefer not to argue about something so blatantly obvious. There’s NO. Such. Thing. As. Nothing.
A starting point must start from (the concept of) zero, aka: nothing.
Because every THING had a beginning. Every THING came into existence. Because every THING did not always exist. But in order for every THING to come into existence, there had to be a THING Maker.
And therein lies the rub. Methinks the “light people” have a problem with being the products of a divine Designer. They don’t want one to exist. Because they want to be products of their own imagination. And when you can manipulate thousands of years of record keeping into your own ideology, score!
I know this whole most people in the world will never ponder these seemingly insignificant little details. And maybe none of this means anything to you either. But I’m confident it matters.
Ideas have consequences. And most of them end up as eternal. Do with this what you will.
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