My love for letters and words began long before my first day of school. Many of my earliest memories are of my Grandmother and my Mom reading stories and the Sunday “funnies” to me. And I think the word pictures from those stories and comic strips led, in part, to my lifelong habits of observation.
Here’s how I see it (pun slightly intended) observation creates thoughts. Thoughts create ideas. And ideas create words. Then, words create sentences. Sentences create paragraphs. And paragraphs create verses or chapters or books. So, it’s like the power of observation becomes good ink for the pen. Or in my case, nowadays, strokes for the computer keyboard.
So, writing became one of my favorite lifelong habits
Do you prefer to read and leave writing to authors? The world needs readers AND writers. So, you’re good either way. And whether you write, or prefer to read, I hope lots of good ideas and words dance in your thoughts today. And everyday. Who knows? Maybe some of them will become…
Ink For The Pen
The little girl who fell and bruised her knee on the ground
Didn’t know her tears were some more ink for the pen.
The little boy who ran and laughed and jumped all around
Didn’t know his giggles were more ink for the pen.
The dog that chased a ball and caught it right in the air
Didn’t know its wagging tail was ink for the pen.
The ducks that saw the dog and then scattered everywhere
Didn’t know they quacked up some more ink for the pen.
The loved ones who were here but have since passed away
Didn’t know their lives provided ink for the pen.
Until I leave this world and my body’s cast away
I’ll write about this love that brings me ink for the pen.
© 2013
Stay tuned,
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