Your significance is measured by the highest standard in existence. God’s love. He created you in His image. And He created you, and gave you this life, on purpose. Your life goes on even after you’re gone from this world.
So, your life has meaning. And you won’t fully understand or comprehend it this side of Heaven.
But, for now, just know that life goes on.
Or just the existence of your soul goes on. It’s gonna be one or the other. One is in Heaven. The other? Not so much.
But YOU are going to Heaven. Right? So, that whole eternal bodiless soul existence in torment isn’t on your radar.
But maybe you know someone (or multiple someones) who seem like they’re on the, as AC/DC puts it, Highway to Hell. And yes, hell is real. Despite what some might tell you about it being a place Christians made up to scare you into believing in our God. Nope. That ain’t the truth.
…I’d like to suggest that you look for opportunities to show people who don’t trust Jesus that they’re not here as a result of trillions of beneficial mutations. Show them this life is overflowing with purpose. And the main purpose is to get to know the One who made them so they can have overflowing life that goes on FOREVER.
Faith comes by hearing. And for some people, if they don’t hear it from you, they might never hear it. Then, they might start to think the way this guy did in a poem I wrote fifty years ago…
Ashes In A Breeze
Where was I when I thought this up?
I was staring into a coffee cup.
I thought I’d write the things I felt
So the cold inside my heart would melt.
I’m a peaceful man…I love the world,
And once or twice I’ve kissed a girl.
I lead a life that carries on,
But something’s missing. Something’s wrong.
I’ve looked into ashtrays before
And never really thought anything,
But now I see the ashes inside,
And they represent everything.
My life is passing by like ashes in a breeze.
It’s like there is no meaning…perhaps I’m hard to please.
Ashes in a breeze…
Sounds like a phrase I’ve heard before,
But emptiness stays with me.
It fits me more and more.
And more and more I’m looking
Into empty coffee cups…
Seeing a reflection and trying to wake up.
If I should ever make
Another meaning for myself,
I’ll erase the cruel reflection,
And put the cup back on the shelf.
© 1975 Tony Funderburk
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